


COVID-19 has been the most significant public health challenge of our lifetime. Over the past few weeks, our attention has turned to another ongoing public health threat—racial inequality. Kaiser Permanente is committed to addressing health inequities in our communities while also keeping each other safe. During this pandemic, if you participate in civic actions and demonstrations, here are steps you can take to protect yourself, your family, and your community:




  • Go with people you’ve sheltered with. Keep your distance (at least 6 feet) from others when possible. (一緒に自宅待機しているメンバーと一緒に出かけること。それ以外の人とは最低1.8メートルの距離を保つこと。)
  • Wear a mask or cloth face covering over your mouth and nose (マスク着用するか、布で口と鼻を覆うこと。)
  • Wear eye protection(メガネやサングラスなどで目を守ること。)
  • Consider carrying a sign to make your message known.(自分の意見を伝えるためのプラカードやサインを用意すること。)
  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer during and after the event. Don’t share phones or other personal items.(手指消毒用のアルコールを持ち歩き、デモ中とデモ後に使うこと。携帯やその他のアイテムを他人と共有しないこと。)
  • Stay home if you’re sick.(体調が悪い時には自宅待機すること。)
↓写真はカリフォルニア州オークランドのカイザーパーマネンテ(病院)を通り過ぎるBlack Lives Matterのデモ隊が医療スタッフに感謝の言葉をかけながら行進し、それをスタッフが応援している様子。
Mutual applause between Kaiser employees and those marching : oakland
↓別の病院でBlack Lives Matterのデモを行う医療スタッフ達
Fighting COVID and police brutality, medical teams take to streets ...