London Breed(ロンドン・ブリード)は2018年に黒人女性として初のサンフランシスコ市長となった。(女性市長としてはサンフランシスコ市で二人目。)幼い頃から貧しい環境で育ち、妹は14年前に薬物の過剰摂取で亡くなり、兄は現在も監獄生活を送っている。








First of all, I want to thank everybody that came out today to honor George’s Floyd’s memory. You know my heart has been heavy. Yes I’m the mayor but I’m a black woman first. I’m a black woman first. I grew up in this city. I grew up not too far from here in public housing I never thought I would be mayor. I never thought I’d be in any situation to push for change.




But I’ts been a blessing and let me tell you why. I grew up at a time where there was a lot of poverty, still is, a lot of violence, still is, a lot of hopelessness and frustration. I still can’t believe that I’m a mayor because the reason why I got involved in public office in the first place had everything to do with wanting that I’m the norm and not the exception.




In 2006 sadly my cousin was killed by the San Francisco Police Department, and at that time, there was a lot of anger and hurt. This was my cousin who I grew up with, who I played with, who I kicked it with, who I loved. And when his mom showed up wanting to know what happened, she was treated like a criminal. There was no independent investigation, and I didn’t understand why. I get it, nobody is perfect but my cousin didn’t deserve to die.




And let me tell you I’m so proud when I served on the Board of Supervisors then any time in San Francisco there’s an officer-involved shooting there is an automatic investigation.



I get it. What I’m seeing is the hurt and the pain and the frustration on everybody’s face right now, and for African Americans, we’ve been feeling that hurt and that pain and that frustration for far too long. We’re glad to see other people understanding our hurt and our pain and our frustration. And I wanna be very clear I’m in charge of this city and as a mayor who’s in charge of this city, I will do everything I can to push for the right policies for our law enforcement here in the city to make sure that what we know has been happening sadly all over this country doesn’t happen in our city. There is nothing more important to me than to do that.




And let me also say another thing. The hate the frustration born out of this movement at this time, think about it. Racism. What’s happening in this country is pure and simple. It’s racism. What happened to George Floyd was because he was black. What happen to my cousin, because he was black. What happened to the CNN reporter who was arrested because he was black. And let me tell you. I appreciate all of you for being here. I appreciate those who care and genuinely concerned but I wanna say one thing. I wanna say one thing. Black lives matter is nobody’s joke. I’m tired of people treating it that way. I’m tired of people masking their racism in black lives matter. It is not a joke It is not a joke. It is born, it is born out of pain. It is born out of racism that we’re gonna fight against. It is born out of our struggle, our blood, sweat and tears all that we have struggled through in this country. Don’t get twisted, it is not a joke. So for those of you who are genuine in this struggle, who are genuine in this struggle, we thank you and we welcome you. But for those of you, who are using this movement as a way to push violence to go after other black people to tear us down, we will not tolerate that. Don’t get twisted. I am the mayor but I am a black woman first. I am angry, I am hurt, I am frustrated. I am sick and tired of being sick an tired. I don’t wanna see one more black man die at the hands of law enforcement. That’s what this movement is about. Not one more, not one more. And I wanna again appreciate that the fact, yes, we have had a number of challenges around the protests but I understand the spirit of what the protests represent. We gotta make sure people understand that we don’t wanna see this happen again, and we won’t sit quietly by and let it happen again.

もう一つ言わせてください。この運動の元になっている憎悪と失望感は一体何なのでしょうか。人種差別。この国で起こっている事は、明確でシンプルです。それは人種差別なのです。ジョージ・フロイドが殺されてしまったのは、彼が黒人だったから。私の従兄弟が殺されてしまったのも、彼が黒人だったから。CNNのリポーターが逮捕されたのも、彼が黒人だったから。皆さんがここに集まってくれていることに感謝します。心から純粋にこの問題について考えている人にも本当に感謝しますが、はっきりと言います。"Black Lives Matter"(「黒人の命は大切だ」「黒人の命を軽視するな」→日本語に訳すのが難しい)は偽りでも何の冗談でもありません。私はこの運動を軽視する人達にうんざりしています。私はBlack Lives Matterの運動の中で、自身の人種差別主義を隠している人達がいることにうんざりしています。これ(Black Lives Matter)は冗談などではありません。痛みの中から生まれたものなのです。これは私たちが戦おうとしている人種差別から生まれたものなのです。私たちの苦悩、この国で奮闘し続けてきた私たちの血と汗と涙から生まれたのです。だから誤解しないで。これは冗談などではない。私は市長ですが、市長である前に黒人女性です。私は怒っています。傷ついています。やるせない気持ちでいっぱいです。私はうんざりすることに、うんざりしています。もうこれ以上、一人でも黒人男性が警察によって殺されるのを見たくないのです。これがBlack Lives Matterの意味です。一人たりとも。一人たりとも。。。この運動は今までも険しい道のりでしたが、運動の根源にある人々の魂を私は理解し、感謝しています。私たちはただ黙って、同じことが繰り返すのを静かに見るのではなく、同じことが繰り返されないように強い意志を持って行動しなければなりません。



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