復習したい場合は適宜このリンクから各記事へとジャンプしてくださいm(_ _)m

各論17】「助動詞Ⅰ ~can, mayの用法~」
a) Even the best doctors can make a mistake.

b) The news cannot be true.

c) Robots can do a lot of things.

c’) Robots are able to do a lot of things.

d) I could play the piano in my youth.

e) I was able to catch the first train this morning.

f) Can I smoke here?

g) Could you tell me the truth?

h) It may sound strange, but it’s true.

i) Okay, you may sit down.

j) May you succeed!

k) Whatever may happen, I will not be surprised.

各論18】「助動詞Ⅱ ~must, have toの用法~」
a) The news must be true.

a’) The news cannot be true.

b) You must finish doing your assignment by tomorrow.

b’) You don’t have to finish doing your assignment by tomorrow.
 = You need not finish doing your assignment by tomorrow.

c) You must not sit down.

d) I must study today.

d’) My brother has to study today.

e) You had to study more yesterday.

f) You will have to study hard next year.

g) I must break up with you.

h) I have to break up with you.

■ 次回配信予定
