





















哲学者のショーペンハウアー は絶望から逃れるためには、芸術に浸るか、他者への同情、仏教的な諦念であると言いました。どれも頷けます。







What kind of time do you feel despair? I wanted to sort it out.


When the future is cut off

When the relationship is broken

When autonomy is cut off


When either or all of this is cut off, I feel like I'm driven to the edge of despair. This is because human beings live on the time axis, using their bodies and building relationships with others.


So, you may see despair there because you face the crisis of existence. And there is no one who can escape from this despair as long as it exists.

Humans feel like a "sad fate community" destined to face despair.


Humans live in various poses. Winners and losers, optimism, pessimism, happiness, bearishness, rich and poor, men and women of all ages, non-dominance, ... they are fragments, all of which are momentary performances swallowed by the darkness of despair.

All suffering is just right.


It feels like dust in the universe when people with sad destiny compete with each other for relative comparisons and slight differences in perspective during their lives.


Someday everyone will die, with their future cut off, their relationships cut off, their autonomy cut off. If you can look at that despair firmly, I think you can see the importance of this place now.


In my life, I have cut off relationships many times due to my temporary prejudice. I want to love but I can't love, I can't receive love even though I'm loved. Everything was an event preceded by my own branding.

Of the three despairs, only the relationship is by letting go of my point of view.

Even though they have the power to control themselves.


Schopenhauer, a philosopher, said that in order to escape despair, one must immerse himself in art, sympathize with others, or give up Buddhism. All can nod.

However, I think that resignation is the only radical cure. Because when you let go of everything, you are freed from the disappearing sadness of existence.


At that time, the ultimate despair sublimates into hope. Hope comes from the ultimate despair. No, hope comes only from the ultimate despair.


What a beautiful work of art this world is! .. ..