







人間の思考方式を変えてしまう、、、 強烈なパワーです。




令和哲学者のNoh Jesu氏は「西洋の学問は詐欺である。」と言います。なんとも大胆な宣戦布告だと思いましたが、昨日のカフェの話を聞いていて「なるほど!」と合点がいきました。






西洋哲学にFinal Answerを出さなければなりません。そうしなければ科学の暴走は止まらずに、人類を滅ぼしていくでしょう。


令和哲学は西洋哲学の根っこにFinal Answerの楔を打ちます。そして「今まで」と「今から」を明確に分け、人類の思考方式を変化させる技術を提供していきます。




The 3rd term of Reiwa Philosophy Cafe started yesterday.


I participate in the position of navigator. Since the opening of this cafe, I have been interested not only in philosophy but also in the roots of human thinking that change with the times.


Human beings see, hear, and speak things through a way of thinking that is rooted in the collective unconscious. And very few people can escape from that way of thinking, and they are called philosophers. Through philosophy, they present a new way of thinking to humankind.


Plato presents the concept of ideas, Descartes the concept of height and height, Hussar the phenomenological reduction, Druze presents the concept of difference and repetition, and when they present the concept and that concept becomes commonplace. The cognitive world of mankind causes expansion.


It is a powerful power that changes the way humans think.


Yesterday, based on the difference between 99.999% and 100%, I used mathematics to do the philosophical challenges of "free will" and "determinism."


"Western scholarship is a fraud," says Reiwa philosopher Noh Jesu. I thought it was a bold declaration of war, but when I heard about the cafe yesterday, I got the point, "I see!".


Mathematics, the king of scholarship, can only be calculated with the consistency of the macro world, and cannot calculate the minute differences in the micro world. Mankind continued to be deceived by Western scholarship, which produces all kinds of scholarship based on such ambiguous mathematics.


For example, the atomic bomb created by physics based on ambiguous mathematics, the gap between rich and poor created by economics, and the prevalent society of depression, suicide and murder created by sociology. How about?


We have to give a Final Answer to Western philosophy. Otherwise, the runaway of science will not stop and will destroy humanity.


Reiwa philosophy puts the wedge of Final Answer at the root of Western philosophy. And we will clearly separate "until now" and "from now" and provide technology that changes the way of thinking of humankind.


From 21:00 to 22:30 today, a great story that can only be heard here pops out. Please come and listen.Today, We would like to talk about "Femininity Reiwa Philosophy".