












あらゆる時空間存在が優しい嘘をつき、私が絶望を覚えるのを待っていた。そして体人間としてのFinal Question「この世界はなんなんだ!!」の叫びをあげた時、そのベールを剥ぐ用意をしてくれる。



そのことが一分の隙もなく理解でき、感覚までも変化させてしまう13日間のnTechリーダーシップ研修。未来からのやってきた研修と言っていい。そしてその総指揮を執ってくれたNoh Jesu氏、彼は天地をひっくり返す以上のショックを人類の認識に与えるだろう。






The nTech Leadership Training, which began on April 29, has ended today.


I'm wearing a very strange feeling now.


A tremendously long, tremendously distant journey. .. ..

The place where I came back after the 13-day trip seems to be a completely different place from where I was 13 days ago.


The pattern in my eyes is desperately lying, and the flowing time is making a tearful effort to deceive me while making a story.


Now look around the room, I say. "Thank you everyone, but I can't be fooled anymore."


We were trapped in matter. Like a fish trapped in a rock. It was bound by gravity, bound by the brain, bound by causality, bound by order, bound by language, and squeezed into a daunting inconvenience.


Every spatiotemporal being lied gently, waiting for me to feel despair. And when he shouts "What is this world ?!" as a final question as a human being, he prepares to unveil it.

Everything is a mutant of the mind, only the mind is real. Everything is an illusion created by the brain.


A 13-day nTech leadership training that allows you to understand that without a minute and even change your senses. It can be said that the training came from the future. And Noh Jesu, who took the overall command, will give humanity more shock than turning it upside down.


"Okay, the universe of matter doesn't really exist. Don't be fooled by patterns and subject predicates."


NTech allows humans to remove rocks and return to the ocean where they can swim freely. This will set the standard for education in the world.