

先日、「魅惑(Fascination)」、「神秘(Mystery)」、「ハニートラップ(Honey Trap)」の花言葉を持つ、なんとも蠱惑的な植物を手に入れました。さて、なんの植物だと思いますか?









黒薔薇?黒百合? ブー





花言葉、「魅惑(Fascination)」、「神秘(Mystery)」、「ハニートラップ(Honey Trap)」ウインク





🌿✨ The Fascinating Encounter with Utsubon-kun ✨🌿

Last year, I dove headfirst into the plant world thanks to a co-authored agriculture book. It was a year filled with newfound appreciation for the incredible variety of plants out there.

Recently, I stumbled upon a plant with flower meanings that include "Fascination," "Mystery," and the intriguingly named "Honey Trap." Intrigued? You should be.


Moonlight Beauty?


Night-Blooming Jasmine? Irises in Disguise?

But can you guess which plant I'm talking about?


Ta-da! It's a majestic pitcher plant, also known as Utsubon-kun (Nepenthes).


This isn't just any plant. Utsubon-kun challenges the traditional notion of plants quietly existing at the bottom of the food chain, sharing their excess with other beings. Like toxic mushrooms and other enchanting flora, Utsubon-kun flips the script with its carnivorous nature. It's simply awesome!

Hailing from the rainforests and loving the high heat and humidity, Utsubon-kun is a fascinating addition to my plant family. Welcome, Utsubon-kun! 🌿🪴