



私自身、農業には初心者で、生の野菜にも抵抗がありました。しかし、農と美の融合の可能性を信じて、奇跡の蕪の秘密を追求する決意をしました。過去一年間で、日本全国の植物園を巡り、東京農大での学びを深め、農業と植物の世界に心を委ねました。その結果、心の美学に修練させた一冊の本『パリで生まれた奇跡の日本野菜 ー「山下農道」の神髄』を完成させることができました。










I am Dr. Mana Iwamoto, a dermatologist specializing in aesthetics. After spending 20 years in France, I have returned to clinical practice in Japan, focusing on anti-aging medicine and regenerative medicine.



My encounter with Mr. Yamashita was a symphony of "Agriculture and Beauty." He is not just a farmer, but a poet of the fields and a magician who captivates grand chefs. I deeply resonated with his "農道 farming philosophy" and became eager to uncover the secrets of the vegetables from Yamashita Farm.



Admittedly, I was unfamiliar with agriculture and had an aversion to raw vegetables. 😅However, believing in the crossover of agriculture and beauty, I was determined to scientifically explore the miracle of turnips. Over the past year, I immersed myself in agriculture and plants, visiting botanical gardens nationwide and even the Tokyo University of Agriculture. I sought expertise, and eventually, I found the answer in the aesthetics of the heart, culminating in the completion of our book.



The harvest festival at Yamashita Farm is a bountiful carnival dedicated to Bacchus, the god of wine and pleasure, and the myriad deities of Japan. I believe that this year, once again, attendees truly enjoyed the harmony woven by Mr. Yamashita's farming philosophy and aesthetics.