Aikikai Yubukan Monday | 神ながらの道

Aikikai Yubukan Monday

Monday training session at Pei Ho Street Sports Center.

The performance of Japanese team at the final World Kendo Championships was moved and inspiring.

The principles of Aikido are said to be close to those of sword thechniques, so we try to move as that by "Shomenuchi" attack.

Wip opponent "Ahomenuchi" by cross side arm fron inside fo "Kuzushi" to "Kokyuho" first.
Use same "Sabaki" move to "Udekimenage" and "Shihonage" with moving flow.

Contact "Shomenuchi" by "Suriage" then change contact angle to through attacking power to cut down to "Ikkyou" both "Omote" and "Ura" then use same move to "Nikyou" then throw by "Ikkyou gaeshi".

Cut in to opponent "Shomenuchi" to "Iriminage" as usual move.
"Tenkan" and drop down opponent "Shomenuchi" to cut back throw by elbow then do "Kotegaeshi" as basic form.

Step to side and cut down to "Kaitennage" then "Zagi kokyuho" to close the class.