Yubukan -Mitsunarijuku- Monday | 神ながらの道

Yubukan -Mitsunarijuku- Monday

Labor Day holiday, 6 attendees for afternoon training session.

Started from Warm up, "Ukemi" and "Shikko" then "Irimi tenkan" flowing "Sabaki" to "Kokyuho".

Use that "Sabaki" and took "Ukemi" relaxed body for "Shihonage" then "Kotegaeshi" by "Mae ukemi" (front roll).
Same "Sabaki" to "Iriminage" next.

Change to slide in bloking "Sabaki" to "Ikkyou" then relaece and cut back to "Kokyunage".


Through opponent "Yokomenuchi" by "Irimi tenkan" to "Kokyunage" next.
Through under opponent "Yokomenuchi" and swing back to "Iriminage" then one more "Kokyunage" by "Kakarigeiko".

"Zagi kokyuho" to close the class.