Doyukai Wednesday | 神ながらの道

Doyukai Wednesday

Wednesday training session at Sham Shui Po.

Guest from Japan, Ms Hayashi joined again also Brad come back from US on last weekend.
Totally 20 members was too much on 24 mats space.

Started as usual warm up, "Ukemi" and "Shikko" then move basic move "Ama no torifune" with "Furutama" which we haerly do.
Because of, explain about body weight move to forward and back.

Start from "Yokomenuchi" flowing "Sabaki" to make a connection by cross side hand.
Lead in and push back by center work to throw as "Kokyunage".

Move aome techniques from above "Sabaki" which as "Shihonage", "Kotegaeshi" and "Iriminage"also use "Yokomenuchi " moving flow.

Change to blocking "Sabaki" for "Yokomenuchi" to "Ikkyou" and "Yonkyou" then off connection to lead in and cut back to "Kokyunage" from this blocking "Sabaki'.

One more "Sabaki" for "Yokomenuchi"which by "Okuriashi tenkan".
Make cross side hand conection to "Kotegaeshi".

"Zagi kokyuho" to close tha crass.