Doyukai Wednesday | 神ながらの道

Doyukai Wednesday

Wednesday training session at Sham Shui Po.

Unusual place for Wednesday training session start by 6 members but members continued to come totaly 11 attendance.

Started as usual warm up and "Ukemi" then "Mae-ukemi" and stand up by look back to oponent as starting act.
It by two means, one is keep concentration with opponent the other is stand up by moving flow.
Just keep on "Mae ukemi" and standing for a while.

Change to "Shomenuchi Ikkyou" as basic move first then change "Shomenuchi" as "Tegatana tsuki" also to "Ikkuou" first then "Hijigime", "Sodegaeshi", "Iriminage." and "Shihonage".

Just slightly different "Sabaki" but can move almost techniques that is almost same as face attack.

Continued techiques "Shihonage"-"Kotegaeshi" - "Iriminage" from "Gyakuhanmi katatedori".

Not finished on technique we continue some techniques if opponent try to stand upa again also use opponent moving flow.

Basic "Taisabaki" for begginers and use it for "Shihonage".
"Zagi kokyho" at end of the class.

Really enjoyed training with members tonight.