Doyukai Wednesday | 神ながらの道

Doyukai Wednesday

Wednesday training session at Pei Ho Street Sports Center.

8 members come to the class even at the irregular place training.

Started as usual warm up and "Ukemi" then "Ryotedori Tenchinage" with soft and relaxed body as stretching.

"Ryotedori Kokyuho" next which use cut back body works from center.
Use same body works by "Ushiro Ryoteodri" to "Kokyuho" with use arm works and with out arm works 2 styles.

Change to "Gyakuhanmi kataSSP.2,May.4 tedori" to "Kokyunage" by "Tenshin" body work and sinking hand works.

"Soto Kaitennage' next which with proper body work checking.

"Shomenuchi Ikkyou"and "Nikyou" next.
Just keep on move as practicing.

Some throwing techniques from "Shomenuchi" which as "Shihonage", "Kokyunage' and arm hook throw.

Back to "Ryotedori" for some styles of "Kokyunage" and "Udekimenage".

"Zagi Kokyuho" to cvlose the class.