Doyukai Wednesday | 神ながらの道

Doyukai Wednesday

Wednesday training class at North Point.

14 members come to the class.
It was vwery happy to see that some beginers looks very happy to come to the class.

Started as usual warm up and "Ukemi" then "Aihanmi katatedori Ikkyou" as starting act.
Explained about center's work by relaxed body to transfer those power to arm to move.

Basic styles "Iriminage" from "aihanmi katatedori" next.
No matter about opponent just move and lead opponent as wild wave move.

Move one more basic technique "Shihonage".
Just keep on move to memorize technique move to body itself.

Loose body controll from ":AIhanmi katatedori" to lead in and push back as "Kokyunage,

Can not make move by stiff body change to loose and lead in opponent power to relaese and hit back.
Also training as body works.

One more technique move "Kotegaeshi" from "Aihanmi katatedori".
This is also use opponent moving flow.

Move it until end of the time.
Pass the certificate for kyu grade before close the class.