帝王切開前日の入院☆The day before C-section | あるOLの不妊治療〜妊娠〜育児の日記 Diary of work & fertility treatments & pregnancy & baby care

あるOLの不妊治療〜妊娠〜育児の日記 Diary of work & fertility treatments & pregnancy & baby care

I believe we can balance fertility treatments/pregnancy with our career. Hoping to share my tips and experiences.








・9:40am 総合受付で入院手続き

















・12:30 昼食









・シャワー 30分




・18:00 夕食


・20:00 ドップラーで心拍確認











Hi, my name is Amy and I'm pregnant with twins.


Today I want to write about the process of the day before the c-section and the first day in the hospital.


I wasn't informed of my plans during my hospital stay for the birth until the day of the birth.

I hope it will be helpful for those who are going to give a birth in the hospital.


-9:40 a.m. General Reception


-Move to ward 6.

 Talk to the nurse at the nurses' station.

 Measured weight, height, and blood pressure.


-Move to the big room for 4.

 I had a room for four people, and I was the first one to register so I could choose the bed I wanted.

 It was a west-facing room, so I chose a bed that didn't let the west sun in.


-Organized my stuff.

 I could use the shelves around the bed and the small fridge.


-Non-stress test (to check the fetal heartbeat and uterine tension) for 30 minutes


-Blood collection


-12:30 Lunch


-Ward Information

 The nurse gave me a tour of the facilities on the 6th floor (nursing room, meeting room, and shower room) 


-Hair removal from the C-section area


-The anesthesiologist and the nurse explained the C-section to me.


-Shower 30 minutes


-Echo of my fetus


-18:00 Dinner


-20:00  Checked my fetus’s heart beat rate on the Doppler.


-Blood pressure and corresponding measurements


-going to sleep

Food was allowed until midnight.


I'll write a detailed introduction to each of these in another update.