36W NSTと麻酔科キャンセル☆NST | あるOLの不妊治療〜妊娠〜育児の日記 Diary of work & fertility treatments & pregnancy & baby care

あるOLの不妊治療〜妊娠〜育児の日記 Diary of work & fertility treatments & pregnancy & baby care

I believe we can balance fertility treatments/pregnancy with our career. Hoping to share my tips and experiences.

















Hello. I'm Amy and I'm pregnant with twins.


I was scheduled to have a meeting with the anesthesiologist and a non-stress test (NST) at the regular checkup for 36W.


The meeting with the anesthesiologist was planned as a preparation of my surgery.


On the day of the routine checkup, I went to see the anesthesiologist, but was told that the face-to-face meeting would be limited as much as possible due to the influence of the corona, and the meeting would be held on the day before the cesarean section, so it was cancelled.


NST is used to check the heartbeat of the fetus and the tension of the uterus.

A monitor to measure the heartbeat and uterine tension is placed where the baby's heart is, and the heartbeat is measured from the top of the belly.

As the fetus moves in the belly, the position of the heart changes and the position of the monitor needs to be adjusted.


In the case of twins, three monitors are placed on the belly and secured with a belt.


With each checkup, I have more and more tests, and I realize that I'm finally getting closer to giving birth.