“You can write well, Otemo-chan.”

“Haven’t you known that, Hina!”

Two girls were having their little drinking party. Otem-chan was writing her blog, sometimes with the help of Hina’s suggestion.


He fell in love with so prestigious lady, or which to rise or fall, only for her irreparable disappointment.

He fell in love with so remarkably beautiful lady, or which to rise or fall, only for her irreparable disappointment.

He fell in love with so devoted lady to her social role, or which to rise or fall, only for her irreparable disappointment.

He fell in love with a girl of so clear but a bit slow answering, or which to rise or fall, only this time for slap-stick counter attack.

He fell in love with so naïve and innocent girl, or which to rise or fall, only for her eye- opening disappointment and resilience.

He got the penalty of fate at last.


“I know he was also sure to do the same thing, whenever he met any type of these girls.”

“Sure. We know such ridiculous fantasy of guys about their attractiveness, though they are really too rigid and only faithful in their own strange mission incomprehensive for us, senselessly self-righteous, and look plainly unattractive.”


Two girls laughed loud rapturously, making some gesture of punching in the air.

Spector had been long out of touch with his girl-friend, for some researching and writing with no clear purpose and reward.


Later, Spector said to Otemo-chan solely

“Because I love this country where I dreamed we could live and shine together.”


Still later, Spector could known as the introducer of Japanese culture so so. But who could predict that his girl-friend’s old blog would often be mentioned as the authorized source about what kind of man he was in his young days, full of her best friend’s proofless tattles.


































