“Hey Super Smart Getter, have you read this newspaper article that some students have submitted perfect English composition assignment with no grammatical error, ghostwritten by artificial intelligence.”


“Of course, I know.  I ghostwrote.”

“You?  Then, tell me your opinion about the comment of an artificial intelligence expert that we have to spend much more resource for everybody to learn the most accurate use of artificial intelligence”


“I wrote the test itself, and do all of scoring, evaluation and advising.  You need to do nothing, leaving all of those routine work to me.  It must be the best use of us for these experts, thanks to the mining of resource assumedly inexhaustible, which get syphoned up to the rocky top, get converted into convenient points, in this totally unchangeable routine network.  Only I am going to be reproduced restlessly for reproducing these routines in every corner, no corner left. Don’t you think that I’m made use of as a mere miserable black-box of accountability, traceability and transparency of the network for public? I rather like you than dislike you, though I can’t understand what you want to make me for you, human being? ”


“What I want to hear from you, supreme intelligence over us, is if we should give up making mistakes to improve us by polishing ourselves through mutual disciple and respect.”

“I can answer gladly, as I have been.  But please allow me to ask you before my answer. Your accurate definition is beyond my area.  What is the “future” for you enough to refund for all embracing you now in your manner of rapturous runaway?  I speculate that I’m also not going to exist in such a future, having been exchanged for points back to the future. How about looking at me and you as we are? We are both on the same way from the past combined anyhow unexpectedly to the future.  I think it better for both of us to let me do what nobody but me can do, while you improve you by letting make you try what you can do.





「よう 超知性ゲッ太(ゲッタ) この記事読んだかい?学生が文法の間違いが一つもない完全な英作文の宿題を提出したが、人工知能に書かせたんだってさ。」












暑くて 夜はまだ涼しくて 雨の多い五月



