“Why did they climb back up to the top of such skyscraping tower over 600m high still under construction? even just after such terrible earthquake, which swung the tower over 5 meter in width?”

“They made their own choice to anchor the unaccomplished top of the tower with the firm structure circling it like dockyard, not to let the top fall…Dockyards usually have tow gates to take care of essential but transparent buoyancy for any farther voyage….They knew what kind of unretrievable damage the fall of such heavy mass would cause on the lives under. 


Hina and Otem-chan asked Thai-Pi-yuan, shivering their bodies to smile relievedly, having glanced the ending of a TV program about their unknown heroic achievement which saved the first step to now.

Probably the early teen girls could revive their heart, from the down-rushing of heavy tiles from the top of Japanese castle, under crushed tiled roof, to the grand scaffold to cover and rebuild the whole castle.


Thai-Pi-Yuan showed the girls an old picture, in which young Thai-Pi-Yuan in work  cloth among many skilled steeple jacks.

“I know how surprisingly and helplessly I was swinging, when I was on the scaffold unanchored above the top roof of building. Of course I was only the easiest aid part-timer.  The world looked completely different from there. So clear, so far, so free and surprisingly and indifferently resolute. My next step owes all of me and the world swinging.

Hina got a bit bewildered with unknown resolute and intrepid face of Thai-Pi-Yuan, in the picture and just in front of her.


Later the girls got to know that Thai-Pi-Yuan had given up standing up on the scaffold above 6 story-building with his hands free and decided to concentrate on carrying up and down the tools and material, timely and just the right amount.

The picture was taken those days.





















NHK「Project X」から題材を頂きました。




