“I’ve met you many times before. We’ve known each other for so long.  Please take your mask off to let me show you how I know you.”

This was a romantic ending between a masked hero hurt deeply and his Roxxane.

“It’s funny. This is the first time for me to see your face without that customary eyeglasses.”

Wataru was with Hina in a movie theater, adjusting his eyeglasses nervously, maybe waiting for some praise.

He looked a bit disappointed, at the exit of movie theater, with Hina skipping beside.


In another theater

“Don’t you remember me?”

That guy put on his old-style eyeglasses to let his younger friends recall that he had been a mere shabby lonely aged students, having failed in entrance exams in custom, but surely once a kind of guardian deity for curious kids.

“It’s so humiliating but proud for me to introduce her to you, after such long interval.”


“Now we know what you did while you were apart from us long. You defeated that cruel samurai commander to save the people.  You defeated that gigantic immortal monster to save the people.  You invented instant noodle to save the people, tried to save any troubled people in another dimensions, in another figures.  We love you as our eternal friend since our unforgettably shinny childhood, and so glad to see your true smile at last, regretfully too short after you got your true partner.  You are in the center of us ever.”


Wataru shed tears.

“I think he was trying to send something preciously possible in his mind to imaginary lovable one in his mind one way in vain, knowing we were too young to understand him.  He might often make inexplainable fuss with himself in him. When he gets someone to know him, still with imaginary lovable one with them in triangle, imaginary and touchable possibility begins rotating thankfully and hopefully among three, to the future to the back to the future ever.


“Wataru still prefers old time Animation movie to romantic movies.  I was embarrassed.”


“Once an unknown foreign “Oh-tackle” wanted to shake hands with him tearfully excited, like finding an old hero for him, with his girl-friend.  They said they got encouraged before by the eyeglasses guy, who got pleased heartfully with younger’s happy future, in spite of his permanent unluck.  That Oh-tackle man pretended to drop his eyeglasses and played looking for it absurdly.  And Wataru imitated him and hugged him back.  Literally Bizarre to bizarre globally.”


But that time yet, Hina couldn’t foresee this “Oh-tackle” favor over any boundaries helped Wataru and his country in repeated disasters.  Japanese animation teaches us to follow such hero, who are not cool, powerless, unaware of himself but single-minded for moving unexpectable possibility to help troubled people, unexpectedly to let possibility move.

“Never take off your eyeglasses for any girls but me.

When can this district order from Hina change Wataru’s unchangeable out-of-focus nature to let them be real dynamic duo?






















外人の『オタク』サンがね、涙流して握手してきたの。その人の彼女と一緒に。まるで、その人の懐かしのヒーロにでも出会ったみたいに。自分の事より、その人達の未来を喜んでくれる人がいるから、だからがんばれたんだった。その外人さんは自分でわざと落としたくせに『Oh! メガネ、メガネ』だって。渉さんも同じことして、しまいにゃ抱き合ってウケてんの。オタクって国境を越えるのね。」
















