Probably many of you reading this are (or were) very interested in the idea of wish fulfillment.

And because you are such people, I am sure that you have had the experience of suddenly realizing that the dreams and desires you once had have come true before you knew it!


In my case, this experience always comes when I casually find and read my past diaries, and this is exactly what happened!

Today, for some reason, I was sorting through some old documents and came across a drawing book (which I had completely forgotten existed), and on the first page, I found this. 
I am very embarrassed, but here is a picture of a part of the page!
And I was really surprised when I read it.



Here is an excerpt from the text.

Date: le 3, oct. 2018 (October 3, 2018) 

→Of course, at that time, I had no way of knowing the existence of rewriting the information space, nor did I know that there was a way to rewrite it.


・Everything I wrote here has come true. →I have decided that it will be so from the viewpoint of the future:)


・I will be active until the last moment of my life and make people in this world happy.

→ Why was I thinking about this?
Furthermore, at that time I had no idea how I could do such a thing. But now, to my surprise, I have the means to rewrite the information space. So this desire can be realized depending on how I use my consciousness! It's amazing! Really amazing.


・When I want to accomplish something, I have the connections, Network, and financial resources to make it happen.
→ Even if I don't have the power now, if my dream or hope is a goal that really resonates with many people, there are Alchemist masters who will be with me and support me.


・A person is a group of atoms (More precisely, elementary particles), which can be changed in any way by their combination.
Therefore, If I can manipulate the combination of elementary particles, aging will be stopped and people will become younger and younger at the DNA and cellular level.

→ If someone who doesn't know how to rewrite the information space reads this, they might think I am crazy. But somewhere, I thought it was possible, so I was wrighting about it, maybe.
And those who know about ”The rewriting the information space  (modern alchemy)” will understand.
In fact, I learned a technique that allows us to reverse time in the Alchemist Master Advanced course, and the other day did an instagram live with my colleague Naomi san on the theme of reverse aging. In other words, the fact that I am communicating publicly means that I believe it is possible and I have confidence that there are people out there who believe in this idea.


I have no memories as to what state of mind and body I was in in October 2018 when I wrote this "list of things I want to achieve".
To begin with, I have an infinitely low self-esteem.
Even when I act cheerful, there is always a sense of despair underneath.
To be honest, when I see someone who is full of confidence and sparkles, I sometimes feel overwhelmed and want to hide.

Furthermore, the date of this diary reminded me that it was a time when I was not feeling well and had been out of work for about two months.

At a time when I probably would have been in such despair,

・I had turned my consciousness in the opposite direction of despair, believing in an ideal future, and
・Now that I have found the rewriting of information space, I am in an environment where what I have written on the list can come true, and I have the means to do so,
・So now it is up to me to take action.

As soon as I saw this note and reaffirmed these things, I felt like I couldn't stop crying anymore.


Many of us born in Japan are able to eat, shower, and sleep in a warm place every day. If you know what is happening in many parts of the world today, you know how blessed this is.
And yet, why do we still feel despair and heartache?

This is my personal feeling, and it is not my intention at all to form an opinion about anything.

If human beings are happy just living carefree lives, that may be fine.
However, if I see someone who has some kind of mission and spends the rest of his/her life for it, I may ask myself: "What have I been born for?
How should I use this life, the rest of my life?" and I wonder a lot about myself, who has accomplished nothing, and whether I should continue like this.
Even if I try to pretend that I don't see it anymore, but I can't cover it up no matter how hard I try.

But that is neither a good thing nor a bad thing; it is just the way I am, even if the recognition of it makes me feel that I am suffering.
So, no matter how hopeless you are at this point, no matter how you have not yet been able to work miracles toward the goal, no matter how much you have not yet found the goal itself, I want you to realize that your ideal future self keeps sending you messages saying, "It's all okay!

What is important is where you direct your consciousness!
Because what we are conscious of becomes reality.


What is the rewriting of information space?
If you really want to know how this world works, now is the time.




