Did you all watch "the Alchemist Master Youtube Live" on 26 December?


There were things that really became very clear to me.
Especially after the technique by billionaire Ms. M to "install the way of thinking and perceiving things of a millionaire" (from about 2:02 onwards).
"People who earn millions of dollars don't look at things with a duality of good and bad, they don't judge."
In other words, a flat mindset, a sense that all sorts of things don't matter."

This was also stated by Master Momotaro in the Alchemist Master course. "What is happening in front of you doesn't have meaning. It's just that you give meaning to it".
Actually, I had this knowledge in my memory, but I had not been able to use it in my daily life at all.
Yes, there is no meaning to what is happening in this world.

However, with our habit of thinking and interpreting, we judge them as 'good' or 'bad' and give positive or negative meanings to them.
Then you can see that everything that happens in this world is up to interpretation. 


In fact, in the last few weeks, there have been a lot of events that didn't feel right, comfortable like, "Why?" 

By changing the way I look at things and changing the place where I connect my consciousness, these events seem to be resolved, but then I realise that there was a part of me that saw these events as negative, even if only for a moment.  So I was limp and tired. 

Because our consciousness is influenced by our interpretations, if we interpret them negatively, we will still be affected by them.

Then I saw this Youtube and thought, 'Oh, yes!
People in the world of billionaires don't judge! I wondered what would happen if I could install that kind of thinking?" I suddenly wanted to see myself getting such a thought process.

In fact, if you reinterpret it, you can see that what is happening now is not hopeless at all. 

Sometimes it doesn't even matter. Interpretation is amazing!!!

When you can do this, even if you were in the middle of a storm that could have knocked down a large tree just a moment ago, by changing your interpretation, you may feel as if you were instantly warped to a beach with a sparkling emerald sea.
 Just as I felt exactly the same way this morning.


If you're going to interpret and see things, it's better to interpret them in a good way, isn't it?

When you learn to see things in a way that you don't judge them as good or bad, maybe you will be a billionaires :) 


I hope you will watch it as many times as you like, because it's a lot to take in, a lot to notice and a lot to learn.