私はプロではない。/ I'm Not A Pro! | kyushunotabibitoのブログ







基本的に、障害者は大きく分けて2つのカテゴリーに分けられると思う。 生まれつきこの障害を持っている人と、生きている間にこの障害を持ってしまった人だ。生まれつきの障害者にとっては、歩行器、ストック、車椅子、義足等を使うことはほとんど自然なことである。彼らはすでに何をすべきかを知っており、長い間それらを使ってきており、可能な限り最良の方法でそれらを使用し、それらを使用して日常生活活動を行う方法を知っている。




ここでは非常に興味深いことが起こる。 時間の概念が変わる。優先順位の概念が変わる。忍耐という概念が変わる。友情の概念が変わる。現実という概念も変わる。脳出血になる前は、たとえば芝刈り機のような電化製品を使っているときに、誰かが早く仕事を終わらせようと私を押し続けると、私はとても神経質になり、その人に悪態をついて怒鳴ったものだ。今は状況が変わった。もし私が歩行器を使って移動しているときに、誰かが早く移動しようと私を押し続けたなら、私は冷静に歩みを止め、その人にとても丁寧に「先に行って下さい。」と言うだろう。これは、このテキストのひとつの側面である。




I'm Not A Pro!


I think that basically, disabled people can be roughly divided into different categories: The ones who were born with this disability and the ones who got this disability during their lives. For people who were born with this disability, it's almost second nature to use a walker, a stock, a wheelchair, or a prosthesis. They already know what to do, they have been using them for a long time, and they know how to use them in the best way possible, and how to do everyday life activities using these things. It's almost second nature.


As you probably know, I belong to the second group, that is, I acquired my disability due to a stroke when I was 50 years old. I didn't know how to use a walker, a cane, a wheelchair, or a prosthesis. I needed to learn how to use all auxiliary items while doing Wild rehabilitation.


Very interesting things happen here: The notion of time changes. The notion of priority changes. The notion of patience changes. The notion of friendship changes. The notion of reality changes. Before my stroke, for example, if I was using some appliance like a lawn mower and someone pushed me continuously to finish my task faster, I'd become very nervous and would shout at the person with very bad names. Nowadays, things have changed. If I'm using my walker to move around and someone pushes me continuously to move faster, I'll calmly stop walking and tell the person very politely to go ahead. This is one aspect of this text.


Another very important aspect of this text is that I don't rush with things. I don't try to do the impossible with the auxiliary appliances. I consider all auxiliary items, what they can bring me, and if I can use them. As for January 2024, I'm still in the process of learning the auxiliary appliances that I have at hand. I can handle the walker the best because it's the appliance that I use the most. It doesn't mean that I handle it perfectly. When my left foot is not swollen, I use a cane. I used the wheelchair for a very short time in the beginning and, as of January 2024, I'm waiting for a prosthesis. This prosthesis will firmly support my left foot on the ground so that I can exercise my calf. I came to know about the importance of this muscle after almost 2 years of rehabilitation. The reason is simple: All other muscles increased in volume except my left calf. This prosthesis will give me firm support so that I can exercise better. If it works, it'll be good. If it doesn't work, it's okay as well.