おはようのおじさん / The "Good Morning" Old Man | kyushunotabibitoのブログ











そえで病棟内で彼は、私を 「迫害 」しはじめたのです。つまり、私が行く先々で私を追いかけたのです。最初の頃、まだ意識がはっきりしていなかった頃は、私も彼も車椅子を使っていました。日中、何度もおじさんと私の間に車椅子のハプニングがありました。おじさんがナースステーションに行って、中に入って、机の上の書類をチェックし始めることもありました。もちろん、看護師さんたちはちょっと怒っていましたが、優しく「ナースステーションから出て行ってください」とお願いしていました。そして、また私のところに戻ってきて、また「おはようございます!」と繰り返して言っていました。










The “Good Morning Old Man”


There was this man in the hospital ward that I belonged to at Daido Hospital. He seemed to be a very kind man. He was in his late seventies, I think. As I told you all before, I was at that hospital in the acute phase of my lifelong disease, so I don't remember his name.


As he got used to the people coming to that ward's break room, where there were tables and seats for our meals, machines for tea and water (no coffee!), and a TV set, he began to talk and socialize more. His wife came almost every day and his son came together when he could see the old man.


I noticed that he had a very strange habit at first: She greeted people with "Good morning!" a thousand times at any time of the day, independently of whether it was morning, afternoon, or evening. Well, everybody in that ward had "strange habits" because most of them had their brains operated on, including me. I will write more about other characters from that hospital's ward, let's get back to that man.


I also noticed that he noticed me! Although I can speak the Japanese language and I have been living here for quite a long time, I don't look Japanese. It's a fact of life and genetics! He noticed that "unusual element". When he found out that I spoke the language, although because of the stroke, it was considerably broken, he got enormously surprised.


Well, he started "persecuting" me inside the ward. I mean, he went after me wherever I went to. In the beginning, when I was already conscious, I used a wheelchair and so did he. So, we bumped into each other, or better, he bumped his wheelchair into mine many times during the day. Sometimes he went to the nurses' station, got inside, then started checking papers on the desks. Of course, the nurses got a bit angry at him but kindly asked him to leave the nurses' station. Then he came back to me again and repeatedly said "Good morning!" again.


My wife came three or four times a week to visit me. It was the end of 2020 and the Covid virus was widespread. We had to talk through the ward entrance glass door which was more or less 10 cm open, we wore masks, and we kept a very safe distance from each other. So, we had to talk loud, so we could make ourselves clear. The "good morning old man" started coming along with me when my wife arrived at the glass door and started listening to our conversations. Unfortunately, it became one of his routines. When we are in the hospital we all develop many routines. Hoever, I didn't enjoy the idea very much that he listened to almost all of our conversations.


Well, in order to write shortly, I started getting annoyed with that situation, and I started to call his attention to several things, especially about saying "Good morning!" a thousand times during one day! Once, he went too far with his "Good morning!" and I ended up exploding because I got too upset! I saw him surprised for the first time. He lowered his head, turned back with his wheelchair, then started rolling towards his bedroom. He didn’t approach me anymore. I can remember the scene even now. It's crystal clear in my mind. Right after, I started thinking about that and after some time I regretted it very much.


One day, he was talking on his mobile phone with his son, and he was saying that he would get ready for his son to pick him up from the hospital. In the early evening, he changed his pajamas for his clothes and waited for his son at a glass door. He waited for a long time. Nobody came to pick him up. He clearly looked frustrated and sad. I happened to know that he had severe dementia and also hallucinations which were a very sad combination. I regretted getting angry at him even more and I felt remorse when I remembered the scene of him lowering his head, turning back, and rolling very slowly with his wheelchair back to his bedroom.


I thought about many things during my long days in the hospital. I regret very much what I did to the "good morning old man". Of course, I don't remember his name but I remember him very well. I remember his movements with the wheelchair. What I feel remorse for the most is that I know that he will not know and will not remember what happened back then. The saddest is to know that is very true that due to his severe dementia, he might not be able to remember or connect thoughts together. I'm so sorry, my dear "Good morning man"...