・6月15日までの週 | 矢口新の生き残りのディーリング


━━━━━━━━━━━ Seminar on Trading ━━━━━━━━━━━
━━━━━━━━━━━━【 Dealer's WEB 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━






グラフで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、ペーパーバック版)

65のグラフデータで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)


日本経済の病巣を明らかにするための57問(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)


・Book Guide:What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?:

(Arata Yaguchi: Paperback)
How to protect the pension and medical care systems (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)


・Quiz Book: What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?: 

57 questions to reveal the problems of the Japanese economy (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)



(6/10:参照)Abnormally Dry Canada Taps U.S. Energy, Reversing Usual Flow 
Many energy experts say Canadian hydroelectric plants, which have had to reduce electricity production because of a recent drop in rain and snow, will eventually bounce back. 
But some industry executives are worried that climate change, which has already been linked to the explosive wildfires in Canada last year, could make it harder to predict when rain and snowfall will return to normal.


eventually 最終的に
explosive 爆発性の



関連:Climate change made devastating Brazil floods twice as likely, scientists say 

関連:In Delhi’s Parched Slums, Life Hangs on a Hose and a Prayer 

関連:As Solar Power Surges, U.S. Wind Is in Trouble 

(6/11:参照)Economic Data Paint a Picture of Two Americas 
A growing disconnect between the fortunes of upper- and lower-income Americans could account for some of the crossed signals. 
In the latest shocker, the Labor Department reported on Friday that the U.S. added 272,000 jobs in May, up from 165,000 in April and much higher than economists’ expectations. 
The strong reading is especially perplexing because it comes on the heels of a string of weak economic reports in recent weeks, including soft income and spending data for the month of April and a lower-than-expected reading on manufacturing sentiment in May.
It isn’t just government reports: Companies have been warning in recent weeks that consumers are pulling back.


account for~の主な原因となる
crossed 混線した
perplex 当惑させる
reading 測定値
pull back 後退する



関連:Here’s the ‘bad news’ in the ‘good’ jobs report 

(6/12:参照)U.S. to Offer Landmark Defense Treaty to Saudi Arabia in Effort to Spur Israel Normalization Deal 
The Biden administration is close to finalizing a treaty with Saudi Arabia that would commit the U.S. to help defend the Gulf nation as part of a long-shot deal to encourage diplomatic ties between Riyadh and Israel, U.S. and Saudi officials said.
But the success of the diplomatic effort hinges on Israel’s commitment to a separate Palestinian state, and more immediately an end to the war in Gaza, an unlikely proposition amid months of fruitless cease-fire talks and an Israeli weekend raid to retrieve hostages from the heart of the territory.


hinge on~次第だ
proposition 提案
retrieve 取り戻す



関連:Hamas responds to Gaza cease-fire plan with ‘amendments,’ and US is evaluating 

関連:Benny Gantz Quits Israel’s Emergency Government in Dispute Over Gaza 

(6/13:参照)Russia Gears Up for Song, Sports Contests as It Pushes ‘West vs. Rest’ Message 
Invitations have been extended to its old Soviet neighbors in Central Asia and new allies, including the organizations from its partners among the other Brics nations--Brazil, India, China, South Africa and a smattering of developing countries.
Something similar is happening in sports. Barred from competing in this year’s summer Olympics in Paris, Russia is planning to host its own World Friendship Games. Originally planned for September, the event might be pushed back, the state news agency TASS reported on Friday. More than 130 countries have expressed an interest in taking part, the agency said last month.


smattering 少し
push back 延期する



関連:U.S. Expands Sanctions on Russia as G7 Leaders Gather 

関連:Russia Taps Unlikely Allies to Help Ship Sanctioned Oil 

関連:In pictures: Russian warships enter Cuba harbor 

(6/14:参照)Japan, Ukraine sign bilateral security agreement 
President Volodymyr Zelensky and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida signed a 10-year bilateral security agreement on the sidelines of the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Italy on June 13.
The two countries agreed to cooperate on cybersecurity, countering foreign interference, combatting organized crime, and ensuring maritime order, among other spheres.
Since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion, Japan has contributed around $8 billion to Ukraine in humanitarian and financial assistance, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.


maritime 海洋の
sphere 分野



関連:Japan Commits $4.5 Billion for Ukraine, Zelensky Says 

関連:At G-7, Biden and European Leaders Agree to Finance Ukraine Using Russian Assets 

関連:New US sanctions force end of dollar and euro trading on Russia’s main exchange 

(6/15:参照)The cement that could turn your house into a giant battery 
On a laboratory bench in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a stack of polished cylinders of black-coloured concrete sit bathed in liquid and entwined in cables. To a casual observer, they aren't doing much. But then Damian Stefaniuk flicks a switch. The blocks of human-made rock are wired up to an LED - and the bulb flickers into life.
"At first I didn't believe it," says Stefaniuk, describing the first time the LED lit up. "I thought that I hadn't disconnected the external power source, and that was why the LED was on. 


laboratory bench 実験台
a stack of 多くの
entwine 絡ませる
flicker 明滅する




関連:The hidden costs of owning a home are surging for Americans 

関連:The First Heat Wave of the Year Is Baking the West 

関連:Red Sea ships attacks push 47% more crude oil, fuels around Africa 



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☆無料(参照&登録):https://www.mag2.com/m/0000142830.html ☆
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グラフで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、ペーパーバック版)

65のグラフデータで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)



日本経済の病巣を明らかにするための57問(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)

・Book Guide:What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?:

(Arata Yaguchi: Paperback)

How to protect the pension and medical care systems (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)

・Quiz Book: What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?: 

57 questions to reveal the problems of the Japanese economy (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)





-------- Seminar on Trading --------
毎日、数行! マーケット情報で学ぶ経済英語!
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