・5月18日までの週 | 矢口新の生き残りのディーリング


━━━━━━━━━━━ Seminar on Trading ━━━━━━━━━━━
━━━━━━━━━━━━【 Dealer's WEB 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━






グラフで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、ペーパーバック版)

65のグラフデータで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)


日本経済の病巣を明らかにするための57問(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)


・Book Guide:What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?:

(Arata Yaguchi: Paperback)
How to protect the pension and medical care systems (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)


・Quiz Book: What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?: 

57 questions to reveal the problems of the Japanese economy (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)



(5/13:参照)Hospitals Are Refusing to Do Surgeries Unless You Pay in Full First 
Now, more hospitals and surgery centers are demanding patients pay in advance.
Advance billing helps the facilities avoid hounding patients to settle up. Yet it is distressing patients who must come up with thousands of dollars while struggling with serious conditions. 
Those who can’t come up with the sums have been forced to put off procedures. Some who paid up discovered later they were overcharged, then had to fight for refunds.


hound 追跡する
settle up 清算する
distress 苦しめる
put off 遠ざける
procedure 医療手当



関連:Patient struggles to find hospital prices, you have the right to know 

関連:Trends in health care spending 

関連:Stubbornly High Rents Prevent Fed From Finishing Inflation Fight 

(5/14:参照)Lindsey Graham wants more bombs for Israel, saying the US was right to nuke Nagasaki and Hiroshima 
GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina on Sunday urged the US to keep supplying munitions to Israel, comparing the war in Gaza with World War II and saying dropping atomic bombs on Japan was the "right decision" to ending the conflict.
"That was the right decision," he continued. "Give Israel the bombs they need to end the war. They can't afford to lose, and work with them to minimize casualties."


GOP(Grand Old Party) 米共和党
urge 強く勧める
munitions 武器弾薬
casualty 犠牲者



関連:Israel “Likely” Used U.S.-Supplied Weapons in Violation of International Law. That's OK, Though, State Department Says 

関連:U.S. Military Officer Resigns Over Support for Israel’s War in Gaza 

関連:Inside Israel, It’s a Very Different War 

(5/15:参照)What is GPS jamming and why is it a problem for aviation? 
However, it is also fairly easy using store-bought tools to block or distort GPS signals and militaries have invested in technology that can do so.
GPS jamming uses a frequency transmitting device to block or interfere with radio communications, usually by broadcasting signals from the ground that are stronger than satellite-based signals.
Spoofing might involve one country's military sending false GPS signals to an enemy plane or drone to hinder its ability to function and is often considered more disruptive and dangerous than jamming.


fairly かなり
distort ゆがめる
frequency transmitting device 周波数発信装置
jamming 電波妨害
spoofing なりすまし



関連:Israel used GPS spoofing against Iran: Did US do it to India in Kargil war? 

関連:AP gets rare look as Ukraine tries to slow Russia with drones on new front 

(5/16:参照)Inflation Eases as Core Prices Post Smallest Increase Since 2021 
The consumer-price index, a gauge for goods and service costs across the U.S. economy, rose 3.4% in April from a year ago, the Labor Department said Wednesday. Core prices that exclude volatile food and energy items climbed 3.6% annually, the lowest increase since April 2021.
All three major U.S. stock indexes advanced to record highs. The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite led the pack with a 1.4% increase, while the S&P 500 added 1.2%. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 0.9%, or 350 points.


gauge 測定基準
volatile 変動の大きい
lead the pack 群を抜く



関連:US consumer inflation resumes downward trend as domestic demand cools 

関連:Commodities Hit Highest in a Year, Posing New Inflation Threat 

(5/17:参照)Why we care so much about the Dow, the stock market’s dumbest index 
When the Dow hit the 40,000 mark on Thursday, the news was splashed across most major TV news chyrons and websites, that comforting whole number telling the world that something good is happening. Maybe you’re not quite sure what it means. But you know it’s up, and up is better than down.
There’s nothing magical about the Dow. It’s just an index that tracks the stock market activity of 30 large US companies, from Amazon to McDonald’s to the Walt Disney Company. But it is very old, and that’s partly why it sticks around.


chyron テロップ
comforting 元気づける
whole number 正の整数
stick around 近くにいる



関連:Dow closes lower Thursday after briefly topping 40,000 for first time 

関連:Japan's Nikkei breaches 40,000 level as investor sentiment flies high (March 4, 2024)

(5/18:参照)Sky-High Housing Costs Propel Construction of Rental Homes 
Developers are building new houses for rent at an unprecedented rate, aiming to capitalize on the steep home prices and higher mortgage rates that are forcing many Americans to keep renting. 
In 2023, 93,000 new single-family homes for rent were completed, according to estimates from housing consulting firm John Burns Research and Consulting. That was 39% more rental homes than in 2022, and the most in any year ever. The breakneck pace is poised to continue this year before easing by 2025.


capitalize 利用する
breakneck 危険なほど速い
poise to~する態勢になっている




関連:As Insurers Around the U.S. Bleed Cash From Climate Shocks, Homeowners Lose 

関連:Child Care Is More Expensive Than Rent for the Average American Family 

関連:Debt - and delinquencies - are on the rise for Americans 



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☆無料(参照&登録):https://www.mag2.com/m/0000142830.html ☆
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グラフで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、ペーパーバック版)

65のグラフデータで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)



日本経済の病巣を明らかにするための57問(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)

・Book Guide:What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?:

(Arata Yaguchi: Paperback)

How to protect the pension and medical care systems (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)

・Quiz Book: What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?: 

57 questions to reveal the problems of the Japanese economy (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)





-------- Seminar on Trading --------
毎日、数行! マーケット情報で学ぶ経済英語!
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