・4月27日までの週 | 矢口新の生き残りのディーリング


━━━━━━━━━━━ Seminar on Trading ━━━━━━━━━━━
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グラフで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、ペーパーバック版)

65のグラフデータで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)


日本経済の病巣を明らかにするための57問(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)


・Book Guide:What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?:

(Arata Yaguchi: Paperback)
How to protect the pension and medical care systems (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)


・Quiz Book: What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?: 

57 questions to reveal the problems of the Japanese economy (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)




(4/22:参照)House passes Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan aid, potential TikTok ban 
On Saturday, the House passed a series of bills to provide aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, along with a package that included forcing the Chinese company ByteDance to sell TikTok.
After a morning of debate on the House floor, the four bills will be wrapped into a single package and sent to the Senate for approval. After that, it will be sent to President Joe Biden to be signed into law.


bill 法案



関連:Pro-Palestinian Activists Dig In and Fan Out, as D.C. Pivots Toward Israel 

関連:Inside the White House’s Frenetic Scramble to Avert a Full-Blown Middle East War 

関連:Love, Hate or Fear It, TikTok Has Changed America 

(4/23:参照)No landing, no Fed rate cuts: the markets' new bet on 2024 
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is tasked with a unique and sharply difficult challenge in American public life: talking about the success of the U.S. economy while simultaneously apologizing for it.
The Fed has a twin mandate, to deliver some sort of mythical ideal called "price stability," aligned with an equally ephemeral notion of "full employment" while playing its informal role as the flag-bearer for bullishness on Wall Street.


unique 特有の
public life 公人としての生活、国民一般の生活、公務員、政財界
mandate 機能
mythical 神話の
ephemeral はかない



関連:What Went Wrong With US Inflation 

関連:Rents Are the Fed’s ‘Biggest Stumbling Block’ in Taming US Inflation 

関連:Pension Funds Are Pulling Hundreds of Billions From Stocks 

(4/24:参照)Global military spending hit all-time high in 2023 after 7% jump, report finds 
Global military spending hit a record high of $2.4 trillion in 2023 after increasing by 6.8% from the previous year, a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said.
The Ukraine-Russia war, tensions in the Middle East and other trends contributed to the jump according to the report.
The U.S., China and Russia were the three biggest military spenders in 2023.


trend 傾向、動向



関連:UN rights chief 'horrified' by mass grave reports at Gaza hospitals 

関連:Israel Moves Closer to Rafah Invasion as Iran Crisis Wanes 

関連:Russia warns the world is on the brink of a ‘direct military clash’ between nuclear powers 

(4/25:参照)ByteDance, TikTok shelled out $7 million on lobbying and ads to combat potential U.S. ban 
TikTok and its China-based parent company ByteDance combined to spend over $7 million so far this year to try and stop Congress from passing legislation that could ban the social media app in the United States.
“This expenditure reflects work we do to educate policymakers about how legislation could affect our community of 170 million American users,” a TikTok spokesperson said about the spend.
The disclosures show how TikTok officials lobbied Congress and President Joe Biden’s executive office last quarter.


executive office 事務局



関連:Who Stands to Gain from a TikTok Ban 

関連:TikTok may be banned in the US. Here’s what happened when India did it 

関連:Crypto lobbying groups sue SEC over expanded dealer rule 

(4/26:参照)Move Aside, Big Banks: Giant Funds Now Rule Wall Street 
Top firms now control sums rivaling the economies of many large countries. They are pushing into new business areas, blurring the lines that define who does what on Wall Street and nudging once-dominant banks toward the sidelines. 
The firms--such as Blackstone, Franklin Templeton, BlackRock and KKR--are becoming more complex and more similar to one another all at once. Investors say this creates risks that markets have never encountered before.


sums rivaling 匹敵する金額
blur 不鮮明にする
nudge ゆっくりと動かす
all at once 一斉に
encounter 遭遇する



関連:The Dream of Fed Rate Cuts Is Slipping Away 

関連:Fears about stagflation are mounting in the US. It’s every central banker’s worst nightmare 

関連:America’s Economy Is No. 1. That Means Trouble 

(4/27:参照)The Only Girls’ Team in a Boys’ Soccer League Has Gone Undefeated 
With about four games left in the season, it became mathematically clear to the players and coaches of the Queens Park Ladies, an under-12 girls’ soccer team in Bournemouth, England, that they would win their league.
The Queens Park Ladies did not lose any of their 22 matches, earning them the elusive nickname “Invincibles,” one that conjures the memory of Arsenal’s undefeated 2003-04 Premier League season under Arsene Wenger.
“I just thought it was incredible that we’ve gone so far to beat some boys that are probably more physical than us,” Millie Ray, 11, a midfielder, said. “We actually came back and destroyed them.”


elusive つかみどころのない
invincible 無敵の
conjure 思い出させる
incredible 途方もない




関連:FIFA Said to Be Close to TV Deal With Apple for New Tournament 



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☆無料(参照&登録):https://www.mag2.com/m/0000142830.html ☆
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グラフで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、ペーパーバック版)

65のグラフデータで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)



日本経済の病巣を明らかにするための57問(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)

・Book Guide:What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?:

(Arata Yaguchi: Paperback)

How to protect the pension and medical care systems (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)

・Quiz Book: What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?: 

57 questions to reveal the problems of the Japanese economy (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)





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毎日、数行! マーケット情報で学ぶ経済英語!
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