・2月17日までの週 | 矢口新の生き残りのディーリング


━━━━━━━━━━━ Seminar on Trading ━━━━━━━━━━━
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グラフで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、ペーパーバック版)

65のグラフデータで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)


日本経済の病巣を明らかにするための57問(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)


・Book Guide:What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?:

(Arata Yaguchi: Paperback)
How to protect the pension and medical care systems (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)


・Quiz Book: What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?: 

57 questions to reveal the problems of the Japanese economy (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)




(2/13:参照)EU border agency says stopping migration is impossible 
Irregular immigration to the EU from Western Africa rose more than ten times on the year in January, according to the bloc's Frontex border agency, which expects overall arrivals to grow in 2024 and says halting the movement of people completely is impossible.
Frontex head Hans Leijtens spoke in his Warsaw office ahead of a trip by the EU chief executive and Spanish prime minister on Thursday to Mauritania, which has recently become a major point of departure for Europe.
"Migration is a global phenomenon. We need to manage migration because we can't cope with unmanaged migration to Europe," he said.


border agency 国境管理局
cope with 対処する



関連:Former Albanian navy port to take in migrants sent on from Italy 

関連:Biden administration, Texas battling over border policies on multiple fronts 

関連:National Guardsmen Accused of Abusing Migrants They Were Sent to Protect

(2/14:参照)Rafah Is Already in a Humanitarian Crisis. Now, an Israeli Offensive Looms 
Rafah, on Gaza’s southern edge, is now a city of tents, and the epicenter of one of the worst humanitarian disasters in years. 
Yet a deadly mix of war, politics and logistics is choking off emergency aid, and the scale of suffering has raised international pressure on Israel ahead of an anticipated offensive. 
More than 1.3 million civilians, which amounts to over half of the Gaza Strip’s population, have fled fighting in the Palestinian enclave and crowded into Rafah, normally home to about 300,000 residents.


epicenter 震源地
logistics 物流
choke off 妨げる
enclave 居留地



関連:Gaza: UN rights chief warns against potential ‘carnage’ in Rafah 

関連:Senate Passes $95.3 Billion Ukraine, Israel Aid Package 

関連:Moody’s Downgrades Israel’s Ratings to A2 From A1, Changes Outlook to Negative 

(2/15:参照)Japan is launching a digital nomad visa--you’ll need an annual income of at least $67,500 to qualify 
Japan plans to start offering a six-month digital nomad visa at the end of March, according to The Japan Times. The Immigration Services Agency announced that to take advantage of the visa, digital nomads must make an annual income of \10 million or $67,556.80 USD.
The visa will be offered to visitors from 49 countries and territories, including the U.S., Australia and Singapore. In addition to the income requirement, Japan also requires digital nomads to have private health insurance. Spouses and children will also be allowed to stay in Japan.
Japan will not provide residency cards to those holding a digital nomad visa and visas can’t be renewed immediately. Visa holders can reapply but only six months after leaving the country, The Japan Times reports.


digital nomad デジタル遊牧民



(2/16:参照)China’s Shipyards Are Ready for a Protracted War. America’s Aren’t 
More than half of the world’s commercial shipbuilding output came from China last year--making it the top global shipmaker by a wide margin. 
The once-prolific shipyards of the West that helped forge empires, expand trade and win wars have shriveled. Europe accounts for just 5% of the world’s output, while the U.S. contributes next to nothing. Most of what China doesn’t build comes from South Korea and Japan.


margin 差
prolific 豊富な
forge 構築する
shrivel しぼむ



関連:U.S. ‘very concerned’ about China’s dominance as a critical minerals supplier, energy chief says 

関連:U.S.-China Tensions Have a New Front: A Naval Base in Africa 

関連:Europe Is Boosting Military Spending. It’s Still Not Enough 

(2/17:参照)OpenAI Unveils A.I. That Instantly Generates Eye-Popping Videos 
Just 10 months later, the San Francisco start-up OpenAI has unveiled a similar system that creates videos that look as if they were lifted from a Hollywood movie. 
A demonstration included short videos -- created in minutes -- of woolly mammoths trotting through a snowy meadow, a monster gazing at a melting candle and a Tokyo street scene seemingly shot by a camera swooping across the city.
The technology could speed the work of seasoned moviemakers, while replacing less experienced digital artists entirely.


demonstration 実演
trot 小走りする
swoop 急降下する
seasoned 年季が入った




関連:Sam Altman Seeks Trillions of Dollars to Reshape Business of Chips and AI 

関連:OpenAI's Lobbyists Are Targeting The Pentagon And Other Defense Agencies 

関連:AI Protest at OpenAI HQ in San Francisco Focuses on Military Work 



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☆無料(参照&登録):https://www.mag2.com/m/0000142830.html ☆
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グラフで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、ペーパーバック版)

65のグラフデータで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)



日本経済の病巣を明らかにするための57問(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)

・Book Guide:What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?:

(Arata Yaguchi: Paperback)

How to protect the pension and medical care systems (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)

・Quiz Book: What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?: 

57 questions to reveal the problems of the Japanese economy (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)





-------- Seminar on Trading --------
毎日、数行! マーケット情報で学ぶ経済英語!
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