・12月16日までの週 | 矢口新の生き残りのディーリング


━━━━━━━━━━━ Seminar on Trading ━━━━━━━━━━━
━━━━━━━━━━━━【 Dealer's WEB 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━






グラフで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、ペーパーバック版)

65のグラフデータで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)


日本経済の病巣を明らかにするための57問(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)


・Book Guide:What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?:

(Arata Yaguchi: Paperback)
How to protect the pension and medical care systems (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)


・Quiz Book: What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?: 

57 questions to reveal the problems of the Japanese economy (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)




(12/11:参照)U.S. Vetoes Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire Resolution at U.N. Security Council
The United States on Friday vetoed a United Nations resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, where Israel has launched hundreds of strikes, relief efforts were faltering and people were growing so desperate for basic necessities that some were stoning and raiding aid convoys.
But the United States, which is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council, blocked the resolution, arguing that Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas attacks. The vote was 13 to 1, with Britain abstaining and some U.S. allies like France voting for a cease-fire.


veto 拒否権を行使する
resolution 決議
falter ぐらつく
abstain 棄権する



関連:U.S. lawmakers demand Harvard, MIT, Penn remove presidents after antisemitism hearing 

関連:Penn Donor Threatens to Rescind $100 Million Gift Unless President Is Ousted 

関連:Penn President, Board Chair Resign After Furor Over Comments on Campus Antisemitism

(12/12:参照)Jerome Powell’s Inflation Fight Is Succeeding, Raising Questions About Rate Cuts
So far, so good. Inflation has fallen faster this year than many Fed officials anticipated after a hair-raising series of rate increases that none of them envisioned two years ago.
The big questions now are about when the Fed can start cutting rates and by how much. The answers will matter greatly to households, markets and possibly the 2024 presidential election.
One danger is that Powell and his colleagues--blamed for reacting too slowly to address surging inflation two years ago--will wait too long to lower rates as they ensure inflation is fully extinguished. That mistake could curb economic growth too much, causing a recession.
The Fed’s other big error would be to trim rates too soon, failing to vanquish inflation. 


hair-raising 身の毛のよだつような
envision 想像する
extinguish 消す
vanquish 征服する



関連:U.S. Consumer Confidence Jumps in December as Inflation Pressure Eases 

関連:Economy’s Soft Landing Comes Into View as Job Growth Slowly Descends 

(12/13:参照)The Math for Buying a Home No Longer Works. These Charts Show You Why 
Homeownership has become a pipe dream for more Americans, even those who could afford to buy just a few years ago.
Many would-be buyers were already feeling stretched thin by home prices that shot quickly higher in the pandemic, but at least mortgage rates were low. Now that they are high, many people are just giving up.
Some people, as a result, are just abandoning the idea of saving for a down payment.


pipe dream 夢物語
stretch thin 資金を使い果たす
down payment 頭金



関連:Record Rent Burdens Batter Low-Income Life 

関連:Inflation Edges Lower, But Still Too High for the Fed 

(12/14:参照)One of the World’s Hardest Diplomatic Jobs Is About to Open Up 
Taiwan’s longest-serving foreign minister since the island became a democracy plans to vacate his post in the coming months, ending an eventful tenure during which he helped bring Taipei closer to Washington while flashing defiance at Beijing.
Joseph Wu said he would step down as foreign minister after Taiwan’s January presidential election regardless of whether his party wins or loses. His decision to retire will deprive Taipei of an experienced hand at the top of its foreign ministry at an uncertain moment in ties between the U.S. and China.


vacate 辞任する
tenure 在職期間
defiance 挑戦的な態度
deprive 奪う



関連:China-Philippines maritime standoff escalating on path that could drag US into conflict, analysts warn 

関連:Xi Asks Vietnam to Stop Outsider Efforts to ‘Mess Up’ Region 

関連:Hong Kong Sees Record-Low Turnout for ‘Patriots’-Only Election 

(12/15:参照)The Price Is Right for Indian Stocks 
India has a lot going for itself: exceptionally fast economic growth, falling inflation, a relatively predictable political environment and a burgeoning tech sector. 
The country also has the world’s largest, and one of the youngest, populations and is rapidly absorbing manufacturing investment from multinationals looking to diversify away from China.
India posted GDP growth of 7.6% year-over-year last quarter, helped by a lift in manufacturing and government spending, making it the fastest-growing major economy. 
Cheap Russian oil, which makes up about 45% of total oil imports, according to brokerage CLSA, has supported India’s central bank in taming inflation.


burgeoning 急成長する
absorb 吸い上げる
diversify 多様化する



関連:Big Labor Is a Big Barrier to Apple’s India Ambitions 

関連:India’s urban population is exploding. That could have huge consequences for the planet

(12/16:参照)The Biggest Winners and Losers From the Work-From-Home Revolution 
The biggest losers are likely city-center office and retail property owners.
Another loser has been mass-transit rail systems.
The third big loser has been big cities.
In national surveys, employees report they value the ability to work from home two or three days a week as much as an 8% pay increase. Multiplied across the roughly 70 million Americans who are currently working from home, this is a perk valued at roughly $500 billion a year.
Another winner is the environment, thanks to reduced travel and energy needs.


multiply 乗じる
perk=perquisite 特典




関連:A Moving Company Touts Its Young, Chiseled Workers. Feds Say That’s Age Discrimination 

関連:Class of 2024 Can’t Land Jobs as Hiring in Tech, Finance Wanes 


-------- Seminar on Trading --------
☆無料(参照&登録):https://www.mag2.com/m/0000142830.html ☆
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グラフで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、ペーパーバック版)

65のグラフデータで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)



日本経済の病巣を明らかにするための57問(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)

・Book Guide:What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?:

(Arata Yaguchi: Paperback)

How to protect the pension and medical care systems (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)

・Quiz Book: What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?: 

57 questions to reveal the problems of the Japanese economy (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)

-------- Seminar on Trading --------
毎日、数行! マーケット情報で学ぶ経済英語!
---------------【 TPA inc. 】---------------



-------- Seminar on Trading --------
☆無料(参照&登録):https://www.mag2.com/m/0000142830.html ☆
---------------【 TPA inc. 】--------------- 


グラフで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、ペーパーバック版)

65のグラフデータで学ぶ、年金・医療制度の守り方(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)



日本経済の病巣を明らかにするための57問(著者:矢口 新、Kindle Edition)

・Book Guide:What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?:

(Arata Yaguchi: Paperback)

How to protect the pension and medical care systems (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)

・Quiz Book: What has made Japan’s economy stagnant for more than 30 years?: 

57 questions to reveal the problems of the Japanese economy (Arata Yaguchi: Kindle Edition)

-------- Seminar on Trading --------
毎日、数行! マーケット情報で学ぶ経済英語!
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