・11月17日までの週 | 矢口新の生き残りのディーリング


━━━━━【生き残りディーリング塾 :http://s-dealing.com/】━━━━━
ZuluTrade Japan株式会社 
金融商品取引業者 関東財務局長(金商)第1058号



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Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd cashed a record 213.5 billion yuan ($30.70 billion) in sales on Sunday during its 24-hour online retail frenzy Singles’ Day, but the event’s annual growth dropped to its slowest-ever rate. 
Despite the record haul, the annual sales growth rate fell from 39 percent to 27 percent, at the low end of analyst estimates, and the smallest rate in the event’s 10-year history. 
Alibaba Singles' Day tops $30 billion but growth rate plunges より)


cash 現金に換える
frenzy 狂乱
haul 獲得数



U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday said he hoped there would be no oil output reductions, after Saudi Arabia said OPEC was considering cutting oil supply next year, citing softening demand.
Trump hopes OPEC won't cut production, says oil prices should be lower より)





U.S. oil prices sank deeper into a bear market Tuesday, posting their steepest fall in over three years and a record 12 consecutive days of losses, as fears of oversupply and weakening demand gripped the market. 
This week, a report from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries on higher output and a tweet from President Trump added to the downward momentum in prices. 
Oil Falls Most Since 2015 on Fears of Oversupply より)


post 掲示する
consecutive 連続した
momentum 勢い



The draft deal is likely to persuade banks, insurers and asset managers to stick with plans to move some activities to the EU to ensure they maintain access to the bloc’s markets.
Britain is currently home to the world’s largest number of banks, and about six trillion euros ($6.79 trillion) or 37 percent of Europe’s financial assets are managed in the UK capital, almost twice the amount of its nearest rival, Paris.
Draft Brexit deal ends Britain's easy access to EU financial markets より)


draft 下絵
persuade 説得する
ensure 確保する



But by Thursday morning a short flurry of ministers decided to resign from their positions in protest at her proposals. Raab, in a letter to the U.K leader, said he couldn't accept the deal after the promises the ruling Conservative Party made to the country in an election manifesto last year.
Sterling plunges as key ministers quit in protest at Brexit deal より)


a flurry of 相次いで



Data released by the Bank of Japan on Tuesday show that its total holdings stand at 553.6 trillion yen ($4.9 trillion) following years of money printing aimed at jump starting the country's stagnant economy. That's bigger than Japan's annual gross domestic product at the end of the second quarter.
The Bank of Japan's ultra-loose monetary policy also leaves it with little in the way of fire power to help prop up the economy in the event of another big crisis.
Japan's economy has a $5 trillion problem より)


stagnant 停滞気味の
in the way of~の点で
fire power 火力
prop up 下支えする








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