美味しすぎるインドカレー!English+ | 日本を目指せ! Mary!

日本を目指せ! Mary!

カナダ人の私が日本大好きで、どうしてもまた日本に住んでみたいことです。このブログは、その目標のために日々の努力、考えること、悩み、そしカナダの生活までも書きます! マイペースで更新します









ご飯がなかった!(((( ;°Д°))))



でも、夜からAll Nightカラオケがあったから、私たちは早く寮に帰って準備をしなければいけなかった。


Delicious Indian Curry!

This is actually a story from last week, but until now I never felt like writing it, but now I do!

If you must know one thing about me, it’s that I love Curry, But actually the reason I love curry is actually because after I came to Japan, I could really only make Curry. Actually I’ve never even had curry before coming to Japan.

Of course, there are curry stores in Canada, just that as long as I had my mother’s cooking, I lived a life of never having to go to restaurants.

But as a poor exchange student, until last week, I’ve always bought my curry from the supermarket and made it myself at home. During those time’s my friends would always repeatedly say,” have you gone to the yummy curry place yet and “I can’t believe you haven’t gone there yet!” “Not possible!”

But, finally last week we all went there together. What I should order, or even what type of food will be there I had absolutely no clue. So in the end I ordered the same curry set as my friends.

So yummy! I ate Nan for the first time. Nan is like bread, it’s long and a little bit hard and you eat it with the curry.

Hmm, but something felt off. There wasn’t any RICE! To me rice is an essential part of any and all meals.

After telling my friend about this problem, it turns out in my set meal there wasn’t any rice. But as a side dish I could order my rice. Thank heavens!

Everything was really unbelievably delicious! Ate a lot, talked  a lot, I really didn’t want the time to end. But because later that night we had All Night karaoke in the end we had to head on home to prepare for that.