エアーハートポテトチップスHeartbreak Snacking Food | moteocooking








ジャガイモ 2個
片栗粉 大さじ1
卵 1個

唐辛子 大さじ2
コンソメ 大さじ2
砂糖 大さじ1
ニンニク 小さじ1

Heartbreak Snacking Food🍟🍺🍟

Today, I'd like to introduce you to a special Halloween treat—Airy Potato Chips. These crispy delights are sure to add excitement and fun to your dining table.

First, prepare egg whites and potato starch, then wash fresh potatoes and slice them with the skin still on. Take two slices of potato, coat one with egg white and dust the other with potato starch. Now, stack them together and cut them into your desired shapes. Fry these slices in oil, and you'll have light and airy potato chips with a delightful crunch.

To finish them off, toss the chips in a mixture of chili, consomme, garlic, and a hint of sugar—creating a spicy and crispy snack that pairs perfectly with a cold beer. These Airy Potato Chips are easy to make and once you try them, you'll be hooked.

Next time you're enjoying some quality time with friends or family, be sure to whip up this exciting Halloween snack. These potato chips are a new level of deliciousness that you won't want to miss.

Potato Chips Ingredients
Potatoes: 2 pieces
Potato Starch: 1 tablespoon
Egg: 1

Spice Ingredients
Chili: 2 tablespoons
Consomme: 2 tablespoons
Sugar: 1 tablespoon
Garlic: 1 teaspoon

I'm planning to open a restaurant soon, and I'd appreciate your advice. 😘😘😘
If you come across any dishes in the videos I've posted that you'd like to try, please leave a "like" or a comment. If there are dishes that you enjoy, I plan to add them to our menu.  let's create an exciting culinary adventure together!

Here is my hideout⤵

Click here to watch the video⤵ 