


Leg Locks vs Upper Body Submissions:足関節VS上体へのサブミッション


In Danaher’s study of leg locks, he had several realizations. First, was that the upper body submissions of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu were always based on the notions of positional control. Meaning, submissions were based on the position you were in, where you would have to stabilize yourself first before executing the submission. Leg locks, on the other hand, were seen as spontaneous attacks with far less emphasis on control than what you saw on the upper body. This resulted in leg locks being an unsustainable form of attack, it was either hit or miss. Thus, Danaher took it upon himself to study ways to control the leg attack positions for periods of time.





Multiple Ashi Garami Based Attacks :数多くのアシガラミベースの攻撃





In Danaher’s study of leg and hip control, he began gradually linking attacks and positions into a system of their own. Eventually, this study would become the foundation of his leg lock system. “We all use many variations of Ashi Garami because our mechanism of control to lock our body to our opponent’s hips. Once the hips are controlled, we can maintain the position and attack with numerous leg locks over a period of time,” explains Danaher. “Once this insight was made, I fashioned a system to overcome the typical problems, counters, defenses that people came up with and in time it became a fully fledged system.”





Today, Danaher and his Death Squad are at the forefront of the leg lock game. Because of his innovations of the system, he was able to create an effective system of attacks that  “opponents could know what was happening, know the standard counters, and still be crushed from any position”. Are the Danaher Death Squad members ninjas? Has Danaher come up with the perfect antidote to any game plan? Perhaps someone has to find their own system of attacks that would be able to nullify Danaher’s. Until that day comes, the Danaher Death Squad will continue to reign supreme.







2019年の記事です。DDSは解散しましたが、ダナハーらNEW WAVEは未だにグラップリング界のトップであり続けています。




Leglocks: Enter The System by John Danaher – BJJ Fanatics

