










Solti's La Traviata: A historic performance by a master of opera


Georg Solti is known as one of the most influential conductors in the opera world of the second half of the 20th century. His career is marked by numerous record-breaking performances and recordings, and his interpretation of Verdi's La Traviata is especially special to opera lovers.

In 1994, Solti conducted La Traviata at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London. This performance was one of his last, and the video and live recordings are valuable documents in opera history. Solti's conducting was the culmination of his long career, and his masterful technique and deep musical understanding shone through in this performance.

Although Solti was not a conductor rooted in the Italian opera tradition, his La Traviata set him apart from other great conductors such as Toscanini and Karajan. His playing is characterized by a sharp sense of rhythm and clear contrast, and in the 1990s his style became more mature. This was especially evident in his performances of Mahler's symphonies, but in his operas, his maturity had an even more beneficial effect.

Solti's "La Traviata" is known as the most beautiful melodic work among Verdi's operas. Solti clearly portrayed the lyrical beauty of this work, and performed a performance that brought out the beauty of the music itself. His performance was successful in conveying the pure charm of the music to the audience, without any forcefulness.

Angela Gheorghiu, who played the lead role of Violetta Valery, was the result of Solti's exquisite casting, and her realistic performance was one of the great attractions of the performance. The all-star cast, including Frank Lopardo as Alfredo, Leo Nucci as Germont, and Leigh-Marian Jones as Flora, performed brilliantly under Solti's expert direction.

This historic performance has been highly praised for both the visual and audio quality. The high-quality recording by Decca Records in the UK enhances the appeal of this masterpiece.

Solti's La Traviata is one of the most outstanding performances of his long career, and for opera lovers, it holds a special place among the many great performances he left behind. As a master who endured the bitterness of life, Solti's mark on the opera world will be remembered for a long time to come.