








1. The Greatest Classical Music Composers - この動画は、クラシック音楽の偉大な作曲家たちの作品を集めたもので、彼らの音楽の美しさと影響力を感じることができます。



2. The Greatest Classical Composers - この動画もまた、クラシック音楽の名作を集めたもので、作曲家たちの才能と情熱を堪能できます。


3. 100 Most Popular Composers of Classical Music - この動画は、クラシック音楽の人気作曲家100人を紹介しており、彼らの作品と共に彼らの人気度を探ることができます。





Miracles of Music History: The Living Art of Composers

Music history is full of eccentric episodes and anecdotes of genius. In the world of classical music, the personalities of composers are strongly reflected in their works, and there are many interesting stories behind them.

American composer Harry Partch is a representative contemporary musician of the 20th century, who created unconventional music that goes beyond the boundaries of Western music. Partch perfected his own theory of temperament based on the 43-part microtone scale and performed it on an instrument he made himself. His music created new rhythms and prosody that amazed listeners.

Anton Bruckner, a master of late Austrian romanticism, remained unmarried throughout his life, devoted himself to Bach, Beethoven, and Wagner, and continued to compose while teaching at the University of Vienna. His Symphony No. 7 was a commercial success, and he became a respected figure in his later years. However, it is said that he continued to court young women until just before his death at the age of 72, which is why he was unable to marry.

French composer Erik Satie is known for his eccentric daily life and strange titles. He hated the sun, always carried a hammer in his pocket, and had the unique habit of owning 12 grey suits, wearing one until it was worn out.

Russian composer Alexander Scriabin is famous for his synesthesia of sound and colour. His music leaned towards mysticism, and he left behind works with religious themes, such as Piano Sonata No. 7 "White Mass" and Piano Sonata No. 9 "Black Mass".

There is also an episode about the strange death of Czech composer František Kokbela. His work "The Battle of Prague" is a brave piece, but it is said that his own death was due to an abnormal sexual inclination.

These episodes show that composers in the history of music were not just creators of music, but were works of art in themselves. Their way of life, their way of thinking, and the music they left behind continue to influence and inspire many people to this day.

Studying music history is also a journey to follow in the footsteps of these composers and understand the depth and complexity of human emotions through their music. By knowing the stories of their lives along with their music, we can experience music more richly.

1. The Greatest Classical Music Composers - This video is a collection of works by the greatest classical composers, and you can feel the beauty and influence of their music.

2. The Greatest Classical Composers - This video is also a collection of masterpieces of classical music, and you can enjoy the talent and passion of composers.

3. 100 Most Popular Composers of Classical Music - This video introduces 100 popular classical composers and explores their popularity along with their works.

These videos will help you understand the composers' music and the stories behind them more deeply.
