






•  シンフォニエッタ:ヤナーチェクの代表作の一つである「シンフォニエッタ」は、彼の最晩年の管弦楽作品で、特に金管楽器の使用が印象的です。この作品は、チェコの愛国心とオーストリア=ハンガリーからの独立への闘いを象徴しています。カレル・アンチェル指揮チェコ・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団による演奏は、この作品の壮大さを感じさせる素晴らしいものです。



•  音楽解説:ヤナーチェクの音楽についての詳細な解説を求めるなら、薮田翔一による解説動画があります。彼はNHKカルチャーラジオでの現代音楽入門講座や神戸新聞随想に執筆した記事をもとに、ヤナーチェクの音楽について語っています。Yabuta Shoichiのプロフィールも参照できます。





 Leoš Janáček, a pioneer of 20th century music

Janáček was a Czech composer who composed operas and other works using folk music from the Moravian region. His music is characterized by a unique melody called speech melody. His representative works include the operas Jenufa, The Tale of the Cunning Little Fox, and From the House of the Dead. Other famous works include the orchestral works Taras Bulba, Sinfonietta, and Lašsko Dances.

Janáček also devoted his life to music education. In 1879 he became the director of the Brno organ school, and in 1919 he was involved in the founding of the Brno Conservatory. He also worked as a music critic and musicologist, collecting and studying folk songs and folk music from Moravia and Slovakia. He also had a deep interest in Russian culture and literature, the influence of which can be seen in his operas.

Janáček entered his most creative period in his later years. He fell in love with a woman named Kamila Stoslová whom he met in 1917, but she was married. Although she was interested in his work, they never became romantically involved.

However, she sent him more than 700 letters and diaries, expressing her thoughts and feelings about his music. He composed a series of works dedicated to Kamila, including masterpieces such as "Kátya Kabanová," "Taras Bulba," and "Sinfonietta." He died in 1928 at the age of 74, but just before that he was composing an opera called "From the House of the Dead."

Janáček's music is highly regarded not only as Czech national music, but also as a pioneer of 20th century music. His music has the power to express human emotions and psychology through its unique rhythms, harmonies, and melodies. His music is still loved by audiences and performers all over the world.

To experience the music of Leoš Janáček more deeply, we recommend the following YouTube videos:

• Sinfonietta: One of Janáček's masterpieces, the Sinfonietta is an orchestral work from his final years, and is particularly notable for its use of brass instruments. This work symbolizes Czech patriotism and the fight for independence from Austria-Hungary. The performance by the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Karel Ančerl is a wonderful way to feel the grandeur of this work.

• Music commentary: If you are looking for a detailed explanation of Janáček's music, there is a commentary video by Yabuta Shoichi. He talks about Janáček's music based on his introductory lecture on contemporary music on NHK Culture Radio and articles he wrote for the Kobe Shimbun newspaper. You can also see Yabuta Shoichi's profile.

These videos will help you deepen your understanding of Janáček's music and feel the beauty of his works. Enjoy!
