




1.序曲(Ouverture) - 祝典にふさわしく華麗な序曲。

2.ブレー(Bourée) - 軽快なリズムが特徴の舞曲。

3.平和(La paix) - 平和を象徴する穏やかな旋律。

4.歓喜(La réjouissance) - 喜びと祝祭を表現した明るい楽曲。

5.メヌエット I & II - ゆったりとしたリズムのメヌエット。



A tribute to Handel's "Music for the Royal Fireworks"​​​​​​​

When the fireworks go off, we look up at the sky and are captivated by the magnificent dance of colors and lights. In addition to enjoying the beautiful sight, it is also a great opportunity to recall George Frideric Handel's historic musical work "Music for the Royal Fireworks". Composed in 1749 to celebrate the end of the War of Austrian Succession, this suite remains beloved to this day despite the troubles at its premiere.

The suite reflects the tension between King George II's desire for a composition consisting only of heroic wind and percussion instruments, and Handel's creative vision, which insisted on the use of string instruments. Today, versions that follow Handel's wishes are also performed, bringing out even more of the original charm of his music.

The suite consists of five pieces:

1. Overture - A celebratory and magnificent overture.

2. Bourée - A dance characterized by a light rhythm.

3. La paix - A gentle melody symbolizing peace.

4. La réjouissance - A bright piece expressing joy and celebration.

5. Minuet I & II - Minuet with a relaxed rhythm.

Listening to this suite is an experience that goes beyond just listening to music. Handel's music, along with the fireworks, celebrates moments of peace and joy from the past to the present, and touches our hearts deeply. This music is a work that feels timeless and respectful of specific historical moments, and is a testament to Handel's talent and vision.

Why not enjoy the moment when the magnificent sound of the music and the gorgeous light of the fireworks come together while listening to Handel's "Music for the Royal Fireworks"? The fusion of music and fireworks will be an unforgettable memory for us.

