ピアノの詩人、ミケランジェリが紡ぐシューマンの物語 - 1973年の『謝肉祭』









Schumann's story told by the piano poet Michelangeli - 1973's "Carnival"

Schumann's Carnival occupies a unique place in the piano music repertoire. This 21-piece suite presents a technical challenge for pianists and provides an opportunity for emotional expansion. Each piece tells its own story and paints a diverse picture for the listener.

Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli's 1973 live recording conveys the clarity of his playing, transcending the technical constraints of the time. His pianism is precise and passionate, perfectly capturing the romantic fantasies of Schumann's music. His performance leaves a strong impression on the listener and creates a sense of tension. This is due to the passion that Michelangeli puts into his music and the rhythmic energy of his playing.

Michelangeli transcends the programmatic elements of Schumann's works, respecting their character as piano suites and giving each piece a delicate expression. Although his playing is elegant, it also has a romantic emotion that deeply touches the hearts of the listeners. In particular, the section from ``Intermission'' to ``The march of David's league against the Philistines'' captivates the listener with its clever structure.

The 1975 stereo recording is wonderful, but to truly appreciate Michelangeli's essence, the 1973 recording is more appealing for its rawness, sharpness of his playing, and controlled expressiveness. His performance breathed new life into Schumann's "Carnival" and continues to be loved by many people to this day.

For more insight into Michelangeli's Carnival and the charm of his performance, experience it for yourself through the recording on YouTube. His performance takes you on a journey to explore the infinite possibilities of Schumann's music.