
坂本龍一は、幅広いジャンルを横断する日本の作曲家、ピアニスト、音楽プロデューサーです。彼はエレクトロニック、前衛音楽、クラシック、ポップ・ロック、実験音楽、フュージョン、シンセポップ、アンビエント、映画音楽、ワールド、現代音楽など、多岐にわたる音楽スタイルで知られています。坂本は、1987年に映画『ラストエンペラー』のスコアでアカデミー作曲賞を受賞し、国際的な評価を得ました。彼の代表作には、『戦場のメリークリスマス』、『ラストエンペラー』、『怪物』などの映画音楽や、ソロアルバム『Thousand Knives』、『BTTB』(Back to the Basics)などがあります。







 Ryuichi Sakamoto and Joe Hisaishi

Ryuichi Sakamoto is a Japanese composer, pianist and music producer whose work spans a wide range of genres. He is known for his diverse musical styles, including electronic, avant-garde, classical, pop rock, experimental, fusion, synthpop, ambient, film music, world and contemporary music. Sakamoto gained international acclaim in 1987 when he won the Academy Award for Best Original Score for the score to the film The Last Emperor. His representative works include film scores such as Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, The Last Emperor and Kaibutsu, as well as solo albums Thousand Knives and Back to the Basics (BTTB).

Joe Hisaishi, on the other hand, is a Japanese composer, arranger, conductor and pianist who works in the fields of film music, classical, contemporary and minimal music. Hisaishi is particularly known for his scores to Hayao Miyazaki's animated films, and has worked on Studio Ghibli film scores for many years, from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind to How Do You Live?. His music is loved by many people, such as "My Neighbor Totoro" from the movie "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Always With Me" from "Spirited Away". He has also composed music for Takeshi Kitano's films, and has composed the music for seven of his works, from "Ano Natsu, Ichiban Shizukana Umi" to "Dolls".

Ryuichi Sakamoto and Joe Hisaishi play a very important role in the Japanese music scene, and their work is highly acclaimed around the world. Their music can be enjoyed in many forms, such as movies, concerts, and albums. Experience the moving melodies and deep emotional expression through the music of Ryuichi Sakamoto and Joe Hisaishi.

The Fox in the Moonlit Night and the Tears of the Stars

Once upon a time, in a quiet village, there was a fox who loved the night sky. This fox loved to dream while gazing at the stars every night. However, one night, there was not a single star in the sky. Worried, the fox decided to go on a journey to look for the stars.

The fox crossed mountains and rivers, and finally reached the land of stars. There, he met a beautiful star spirit. The star spirit told him that the people on earth had forgotten to look up at the night sky, and the stars were crying out of loneliness. The tears turned into clouds, hiding the light of the stars.

The fox returned to the village and spread the news of the stars to the villagers. The villagers began to look up at the night sky again, and were moved by the beauty of the stars. The star spirit was so happy that she cried again, but this time it was tears of joy. Since then, those tears have been called "tears of the stars," and it is said that they make the night sky shine even brighter.

And it is said that on moonlit nights, the fox can be seen guiding the way to the land of the stars. This was the beginning of the legend of "Moonlit Fox," in which the fox dances with the stars.

