「リンカーンシャーの花束」— 時を超える民謡の響き





1. リスボン(船乗りの歌): 軽快な旋律が特徴で、対旋律には「マールバラ公」が使用されています。

2. ホークストウ農場(守銭奴とその召使い:地方の悲劇): 緩徐楽章で、コラール風の歌が続きます。

3. ラフォード公園の密猟者(密猟の歌): 全曲の中でも特に挑戦的な楽章で、木管楽器のソリでカノン風に始まります。

4. 元気な若い水夫(恋人と結婚するために帰郷): 快活なスケルツォ風の音楽で、木管に現れる主題が変奏されていきます。

5. メルボルン卿(戦いの歌): 民謡の節回しを再現するため、冒頭には小節線が切られていない部分があります。

6. 行方不明のお嬢さんが見つかった(踊りの歌): パッサカリア風に変奏が重ねられていく楽章です。












  “Bouquet of Lincolnshire”—The Sound of a Timeless Folk Song


``A Bouquet of Lincolnshire'' is a suite for wind orchestra by Australian composer Percy Grainger. Composed in 1937, it is based on six folk songs collected in the Lincolnshire region of eastern England.

Grainger attempted to recreate the unique singing style of each singer of these folk songs. For this reason, he expresses irregular rhythmic fluctuations, pauses, and turns by making extensive use of odd time signatures and grace notes.

The suite consists of the following six pieces:

1. Lisbon (Sailor's Song): Characterized by a light melody, "The Duke of Marlborough" is used as the countermelody.

2. Hawkstow Farm (The Miser and His Servants: A Local Tragedy): Slow movement, followed by a chorale-like song.

3. The Poacher of Rufford Park (Poaching Song): One of the most challenging movements of the entire piece, it begins in canon style with a woodwind sled.

4. A lively young sailor (returning home to marry his lover): A lively scherzo-like music with variations on a theme that appears on the woodwind.

5. Lord Melbourne (Battle Song): In order to reproduce the rhythm of a folk song, there is an unbroken bar line at the beginning.

6. The Missing Lady Has Been Found (Dance Song): This is a movement in which variations are layered in the style of a passacaglia.

This suite occupies a particularly important position in the wind orchestra repertoire, as it reflects Grainger's deep respect for folk songs and his innovative musicality.

Fennell's version of ``Lincolnshire Bouquet'' has been well received by music lovers and critics alike. Frederick Fennell has a deep understanding and passion for this work, and his interpretation has influenced many people. Fennell also had unique views on the key and instrumentation of songs, with a particular emphasis on the importance of the bassoon.

The differences between the Fennell version and the Gardiner version depend on the different musical interpretations of each conductor, performance style, and instruments used. Fennell is an American conductor, especially known for his work in wind orchestras. His playing has a clear and powerful musicality, with a particular focus on rhythm and tempo.

Gardiner, on the other hand, was a British conductor and one of the pioneers in early music performance. His playing uses period instruments and takes an approach that is faithful to the style of Baroque music. The Gardiner edition features a more transparent tone and an interpretation based on historical performance conventions.

The Fennell album provides the rich sound and American dynamism of a wind orchestra. In contrast, the Gardiner edition offers a delicate and sophisticated musicality rooted in the European early music tradition. Both performances offer different perspectives on Grainger's "Lincolnshire Bouquet" and provide different experiences for the listener.