ショスタコーヴィチの弦楽四重奏曲: 反体制の響きを解き明かす 











  Shostakovich's String Quartet: Unraveling the Sound of Dissent


Dmitri Shostakovich was born in St. Petersburg, Russian Empire, in 1906. He showed musical talent at a young age, and in 1919 entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory. His work was closely connected to the political pressures of the Soviet Union from the beginning, and his music often contained political messages.

In the 1930s, Shostakovich's position as an artist under Stalin's regime was in jeopardy. After his opera Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk County was criticized in Pravda, his works were often censored. However, he overcame this difficult period and became a national hero with his ``Leningrad Symphony'' during World War II.

After the war, Shostakovich continued his creative activities and left behind many important works, including string quartets and symphonies. His music expresses personal suffering and rebellion against social oppression, and continues to influence many people today. Until his death in 1975, Shostakovich operated as one of the most important composers in the Soviet Union.

Dmitri Shostakovich's 15 string quartets rival his symphonies in importance not only in number but also in musical quality and content. What I would like to emphasize to beginners is not to rely on misleading explanations by past Japanese music critics.

The author referred to an insightful commentary by Dr. Siegrid Neef, a musicologist from the former East Germany. The Borodin String Quartet's performances are mainly from the early 1980s, and are records of the era when the former Soviet Union existed. However, Neef's commentary was written after the complete works were completed, and her publishing history in East Berlin and experience at the Berlin State Opera give her a deep sympathy for Shostakovich's works.

As Shostakovich himself noted, music acquires power through thought and ideas. His string quartets were a subject of interest for half a century, from 1924 to 1974, and consistently reflected on the fragility and dark times of his life, from his early experiments to his mastery in old age. have expressed their protest against.

The Beethoven string quartet's performances, which were performed directly by the composer, have had a great influence on us as music of the 20th century and as music for the 20th century. Listening in conjunction with Neev's commentary will help you understand the deep meaning of Shostakovich's music.
