
ベートーヴェンの《ミサ・ソレムニス》は、単なる宗教的な儀式の音楽を超えた、深い人間的なメッセージを持つ作品です。この作品のタイトル「Missa Solemnis」は、厳粛なミサを意味し、その中にはベートーヴェンの宗教観と人類への愛が込められています。

この作品は、ベートーヴェンが自らの信仰と音楽を通じて、人間としての普遍的な価値を探求した結果です。彼は《ミサ・ソレムニス》において、神への賛美だけでなく、平和への願いや人間愛を表現しています。特に「Agnus Dei」のセクションでは、戦争の悲惨さと平和への切実な願いが描かれており、音楽を通じて強いメッセージが伝えられます。










Bernstein's Beethoven "Misa Solemnis"


Beethoven's Missa Solemnis is a work with a deep human message that goes beyond mere religious ritual music. The title of this work, ``Missa Solemnis,'' means a solemn mass, and it contains Beethoven's religious views and love for humanity.

This work is the result of Beethoven's search for universal human values through his own faith and music. In Missa Solemnis, he not only expresses praise to God, but also his desire for peace and love for humanity. In particular, the ``Agnus Dei'' section depicts the misery of war and the earnest desire for peace, and conveys a strong message through music.

As Bernstein began his career in Europe, his first collaboration with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra marked the beginning of his artistic maturity. Missa Solemnis, recorded live in 1978, is a monumental performance that introduced Bernstein's new artistic style to the world.

This performance perfectly captures the supreme and solemn flavor of Beethoven's works. Bernstein's conducting is full of gentle and human warmth, which was unusual for him during his time with the New York Philharmonic, and his conducting simply captivates his listeners.

The orchestra's traditional expressive idiom and Bernstein's deep empathy combine to create deep expressions rooted in religious emotion even in the most dramatic scenes. A performance that directly conveys the tension of a live recording and Bernstein's passion to the listener, and is truly worthy of being called a masterpiece.

Unlike Karajan's calculated direction, Bernstein's performance has great concentration and explosive enthusiasm. The solo vocals are made up of veterans, and the singing by Moser and Schwartz is particularly impressive. The way all the performers demonstrate their maximum potential and create music in a completely natural way leaves a deep impression on the listener.

Bernstein's Missa Solemnis has the power to transcend ethnic borders and unite the world, giving the audience, chorus, orchestra, and soloists the feeling of being immersed in Beethoven's music. All of this is permeated by the spirit of fraternity, maintaining a high level of dignity, and embodying the ideals of delicate nerves and harmony on a grand scale.

