

ある日、ルディは「悲愴」を弾き始めました。第1楽章の強烈なコードは、ルディの情熱を表現し、彼の指は鍵盤を力強く叩きました。彼の演奏は、教会の外にまで響き渡り、村人たちの耳に届きました。村人たちは、何が起こったのかと思って、教会に集まってきました。そして、ルディの演奏に聞き惚れました。第2楽章の「Adagio cantabile」では、ルディの演奏から流れる美しい旋律が、聴く者の心に優しさと癒しをもたらしました。そして、最終楽章の「Rondo」が始まると、ルディの演奏はさらに盛り上がり、村人たちの心を高揚させました。






The story of a young man fascinated by "pathetique" - The fate of a village changed by Beethoven's music 


Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young man who loved music. His name was Rudy. Rudy found an old grand piano in the back of the village church and played it every day. The piano was no longer used and was gathering dust, but Rudy treasured it. He put his feelings into music and played a variety of songs, but his favorite was Beethoven's "Pathétique." That song evoked the sadness and passion that lay dormant in Rudy's heart.

One day, Rudy started playing "Pathétique." The strong chords of the first movement expressed Rudy's passion as his fingers struck the keys forcefully. His performance echoed outside the church and was heard by the villagers. The villagers gathered at the church, wondering what had happened. And I fell in love with Rudy's performance. In the second movement, "Adagio cantabile," the beautiful melody played by Rudy brought tenderness and healing to the hearts of the listeners. When the final movement, "Rondo," began, Rudy's performance became even more exciting, lifting the hearts of the villagers.

When Rudy finished his performance, the villagers gave a moving round of applause. He was able to touch people's hearts through music. From that day on, Rudy became loved by many people as a village musician.

This story is inspired by Beethoven's "Pathétique." "Pathetique" is music filled with sadness, passion, and hope. Music can convey deep emotions that cannot be expressed in words. And like Rudy, each of us can light a light in the hearts of others by finding our passion and sharing it with the world.
