



















クレンペラー指揮ニュー・フィルハーモニア管弦楽団の映像記録が残されています 。最晩年のクレンペラーの「意志の音楽」が充分に感じられる秀演です。



  “Music of the Will” ~ Otto Klemperer


Otto Klemperer is a German conductor and composer, and one of the leading musicians of the 20th century. He began his conducting career on Mahler's recommendation and performed in Berlin, Los Angeles, and elsewhere. After fleeing Nazi persecution and emigrating to the United States, he returned to Europe after World War II and left behind many great performances with the Philharmonia Orchestra. He has a wide repertoire ranging from classical to 20th century music, and is known for his style, which emphasizes the formality and structure of his pieces through slow, strict tempos.

I think Klemperer's music can best be described as "music of the will."

"Music of the will" means putting one's beliefs and spirit into music.

Klemperer continued to struggle with himself to create such music.

He had absolute confidence in his musical views, but he was never self-righteous.

In pursuit of the essence of music, he always performed with seriousness and rigor, leaving a deep impression on his listeners.

If you listen to Beethoven's Symphony No. 7, you will understand this clearly.

From the opening chords, you can feel that this music is questioning the human way of life and spirit.

Klemperer plays this piece powerfully, solemnly, and passionately.

His performance conveys the power and beauty of human will.

What makes Klemperer's music different from "music of the will" and other types of music?

I think it lies in the following points.

・"Music of Will" seeks deep insight and understanding, not superficial beauty and emotion.

・"Music of will" has universal value that is not influenced by trends or times.

・"Music of Will" encourages listeners to face themselves.

Klemperer's music is "music of the will."

We need to think about what we can learn from that music.

For example, having a strong sense of one's beliefs, seeing through the essence of things, and living passionately.

There is a video recording of the New Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Klemperer. This is an excellent performance that fully conveys Klemperer's ``music of will'' in his later years.
