




- 英雄の主題:英雄(作曲者自身)の性格や人生を表すメロディ
- 英雄の愛する女性の主題:英雄の妻であるゾフィーさんを表すメロディ
- 英雄の敵対者たちの主題:英雄の音楽に理解を示さない人たちを表すメロディ
- 英雄の戦闘:英雄が敵対者たちと戦う場面
- 英雄の平和な時代:英雄が敵対者たちに勝って、ゾフィーさんと幸せに暮らす場面
- 英雄の退場:英雄が亡くなる場面
- 英雄の幻影:英雄が残した音楽が響く場面










  [Introduction to masterpiece] R. Strauss's self-portrait "The Life of a Hero" performed by Mengelberg and the Concertgebouw


Hello! Today, I'd like to introduce you to one of my favorites. It is a masterpiece in which Mengelberg and the Concertgebouw performed R. Strauss's symphonic poem ``The Life of a Hero.''

This work is a musical version of Strauss's life, and is beautifully expressed by his friend Mengelberg. This recording is historically and musically valuable, and listening to it will move you. Let me briefly explain the appeal of this work and recording.

First of all, this work is a symphonic poem composed in 1898 by R. Strauss. A symphonic poem is a piece of music that expresses a story or scene through music. R. Strauss is a famous composer in this genre and has left behind many masterpieces.

``The Life of a Hero'' is his self-portrait work, as he says, ``My life turned into music.'' This work consists of the following seven parts.

- Hero theme: a melody that expresses the character or life of the hero (the composer himself)
- Theme of the hero's beloved woman: A melody representing the hero's wife, Sophie.
- Theme of the hero's enemies: A melody that represents those who do not understand the hero's music.
- Hero battle: A scene where the hero fights against the antagonists.
- Peaceful Era of Heroes: A scene in which the hero defeats the antagonists and lives happily with Sophie.
- Hero's exit: The scene where the hero dies
- Hero's Illusion: Scene where the music left behind by the hero resonates.

In this work, the theme of the hero changes in various ways. It shows that the composer is expressing himself through music. Also, a variety of instruments are used, and you can hear gorgeous and complex tones. But it's a very difficult song.

Next, this recording was dedicated by R. Strauss to Dutch conductor Mengelberg and the Concertgebouw Orchestra that he conducts. Mengelberg was a big fan of R. Strauss and often played his songs. R. Strauss also liked Mengelberg's performance at the Concertgebouw, and the two were good friends.

Mengelberg was the first to perform ``The Lives of Heroes'' and performed it many times thereafter. He loved this song as his own and did not let anyone else play it. He interpreted this song in his own way and performed it wonderfully with the orchestra.

R. Strauss heard Mengelberg's performance of the Concertgebouw, and although he was impressed, he wanted a more powerful and intense performance. That was probably the ideal image he wanted for his songs.

Finally, this recording is valuable both musically and historically. Musically, the Mengelberg and Concertgebouw performances are rich, beautiful, and elegant. But at the same time, it's sharp, powerful, and wild. The drama and emotions of the work are well expressed. The trumpet hero's theme and the violin violinist Sophie's theme are especially moving. Historically, this recording was made on SP, but the sound quality is very good. You can also enjoy the acoustics of the famous hall. When you listen to this recording, you can clearly see that it is a masterpiece that allows you to hear the strength of the bond between the composer, conductor, and orchestra.

The above was an introduction to the masterpiece of R. Strauss's symphonic poem "The Life of a Hero" performed by Mengelberg and the Concertgebouw. This work and recording are a sound manifestation of the deep bond between composer and conductor, and leave a strong impression on the listener. Please give this masterpiece a listen.
