








•  『シューマンのピアノ曲全集』(ピアノ:ヴラディーミル・アシュケナージ):シューマンのピアノ曲の中でも特に優れたものを集めたCDです。シューマンの音楽の多様性や表現力を堪能できます。


•  『シューマンの歌曲全集』(ソプラノ:エリーザベト・シュヴァルツコップ、バリトン:ディートリヒ・フィッシャー=ディースカウ、ピアノ:ジェラルド・ムーア):シューマンの歌曲の中でも最高傑作とされるものを集めたCDです。シューマンの詩情や感性が歌によって生き生きと表現されています。



• 『音楽と音楽家』 シューマン (著), 吉田 秀和 (翻訳):シューマンの音楽と小説の関係を分析した本です。シューマンの芸術的な世界観や思想を深く理解することができます。




Schumann's music and novels - a poetic and rich world  of imagination


Hello! Today I would like to write about my favorite composer, Robert Schumann.

Schumann was a representative composer of Romantic music and a novelist. His music is poetic and imaginative, drawing inspiration from literary works such as Goethe and Shakespeare. His novels use musical expression and structure to create unique stories and images. His music and novels influence each other and reflect his sensibilities and life.

Schumann was born in 1810 in the Kingdom of Saxony, Germany. His father was in the publishing business, and Schumann was exposed to many books from an early age. Schumann developed a literary sensibility as he loved reading masterpieces such as Goethe and Shakespeare. He was also good at music. Schumann, who had studied piano and violin, also began composing music himself.

Schumann entered the University of Leipzig in 1828 and was supposed to study law, but he became fascinated with music and literature. He studied piano with the famous pianist Friedrich Wieck. And he fell in love with his daughter, Clara Wieck. Clara was also a pianist and had an understanding of Schumann's music. However, Clara's father was against their relationship. He considered Schumann to be a poor and unstable musician. Schumann and Clara fought with their father in court, and were finally able to marry in 1840.

Schumann and Clara were happily married, but Schumann's mental health began to deteriorate. He began to suffer from auditory hallucinations and delusions. He was suffering from mental illness. In 1854 he attempted suicide, but was saved and admitted to a mental hospital. So he turned away from music and died two years later.

Schumann left behind wonderful works not only as a musician but also as a novelist. One of his masterpieces, ``Children's Scenes,'' is a musical version of his own childhood memories and fantasies, and includes such famous pieces as ``Traumerei'' and ``The Knight's Tale.'' . His first novel, Yunus and Lune, tells the story of his friend Yunus, a composer, and Lune, the woman he falls in love with, and is peppered with musical motifs and allegories. He also wrote novels and reviews, and was the founder of the music magazine ``New Music Jidai''. It can be said that he had the sensibilities of a novelist.

When I listen to Schumann's music, I feel like I can touch his sensibilities and life. His music is a precious treasure to me. Everyone, please listen to Schumann's music!