




この作品は、ベートーヴェン自身が標題をつけた数少ないピアノソナタのひとつです。しかし、出版社はフランス語で「les adieux(別れ)」という標題に変えてしまいました。ベートーヴェンはこれに怒って、「告別」と「別れ」は全く違うと抗議しました。彼は「告別」は心から愛する人にだけ使う言葉で、「別れ」は聴衆全体に対して述べる言葉だと説明しました。









Learn about the background and music of Beethoven's "Farewell" dedicated to his friend Archduke Rudolf

Hello, music lovers. Today, I would like to talk about Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 26, "Farewell." This work was dedicated to Beethoven's friend and patron, Archduke Rudolf, and is a moving story of Beethoven's escape from Vienna and reunion. Let's take a closer look at the background of this work, the meaning of its title, and its musical characteristics.

First, let's talk about the background of this work. In 1809, Napoleon's army invaded Vienna. At this time, Archduke Rudolf had to leave Vienna for his own safety. Beethoven was deeply saddened by his departure and titled the first movement ``Farewell.'' This title comes from the last words of Beethoven's letter to Archduke Rudolf. It is said that Beethoven composed this movement while imagining the scene in which he was bidding farewell to Archduke Rudolf. There is also a theory that the opening theme is Beethoven's representation of Archduke Rudolf's name in musical notes.

Next, the second movement is titled ``Absence'' and expresses Beethoven's loneliness and anxiety while he is away from Archduke Rudolf. This movement is not a slow movement but a fast movement called a scherzo, but it can also be said to show that Beethoven was trying to suppress his emotions. This movement has an impressive quiet and dark tone.

Finally, the third movement is entitled ``Reunion'' and expresses Beethoven's joy when Archduke Rudolf returned to Vienna in 1810 after the war. This movement begins with gorgeous, upbeat music, but in the middle the theme of the first movement is recalled. This can also be said to show that Beethoven cannot forget his past sufferings. However, the song becomes bright again at the end, ending with music that celebrates the reunion of friendship.

This work is one of the few piano sonatas to be titled by Beethoven himself. However, the publisher changed the title to ``les adieux'' (Farewell) in French. Beethoven was angry at this and protested that ``farewell'' and ``farewell'' were completely different. He explained that ``farewell'' is a word that is only used for someone you truly love, while ``farewell'' is a word that is addressed to the entire audience.

In this way, this piece is a masterpiece that allows you to feel the depth of the friendship between Beethoven and Archduke Rudolf. Beethoven dedicated many other works to Archduke Rudolf, but this one is particularly moving.

Now, let's listen to a performance of this piece. This time we would like to introduce you to Maurizio Pollini's YouTube video.

It goes without saying that Pollini's performance is as perfect as ever, and it is an excellent performance that brings out the work with unbelievable splendor using a steel-like technique.

Perfect in piano sound and beauty of form. It is a performance that gives you a sense of awesomeness with its unique and brilliant tone and touch.

A flexible, deep and clear song is born between perfect technique and sound.

Beethoven dedicated many other works to Archduke Rudolf, but this one is particularly moving. If you are interested in Beethoven's music, please give this work a listen. See you next time.
