
























ベートーヴェン:ピアノ三重奏曲第7番「大公」 アシュケナージ、パールマン、ハレル 音譜





The touching friendship between Beethoven and Archduke Rudolf - What is the musical message contained in "The Archduke"? ~


Hello, music lovers. Today I would like to write about the friendship story between Beethoven and Archduke Rudolf. Do you know the relationship between these two? After learning about this story, my perspective on Beethoven's music changed.

Beethoven is known as a musical genius, but he struggled with relationships. He was a difficult person and was a person who spoke his opinions clearly. But he had one best friend. It was Archduke Rudolf, a member of the Austrian Empire.

They first met in 1803 or 1804 when Archduke Rudolf asked Beethoven for piano lessons. Beethoven was impressed by his talent and enthusiasm, and soon a friendship developed that transcended the relationship between him and his student. They talked about a variety of topics including music, politics, and philosophy. Beethoven dedicated many works to Archduke Rudolf. Among them are such masterpieces as ``Hammerklavier'' and ``Misa Solemnis.''

But their friendship also had its challenges. In 1814, the Napoleonic Wars ended and the Congress of Vienna was held. Archduke Rudolf participated in the conference as the younger brother of Emperor Franz I of Austria. On the other hand, Beethoven admired Napoleon and was against the Congress. He attempted to compose a piece called ``Challenge to the Congress of Vienna,'' but it was never completed.

They continued their friendship despite their political differences. However, in the 1820s, Beethoven's ear disease worsened and he became increasingly lonely. Archduke Rudolf also suffered from poor health and became mentally unstable. They continued to write to each other, but rarely met.

Beethoven passed away on March 26, 1827. Tens of thousands of people attended his funeral, but Archduke Rudolf was not among them. He was unable to attend due to illness. Although he continued to love Beethoven's music, he died on November 24, 1831.

The friendship between Beethoven and Archduke Rudolf remains not only in music history, but also in human history. They respected each other from the bottom of their hearts, transcending differences in class, position, and era. The music born from their friendship still moves us today.

Beethoven's Piano Trio No. 7 ``The Grand Duke'' is a work that Beethoven dedicated to his best friend, Archduke Rudolf, and the story of their friendship is set in music. Every time I listen to this song, I am reminded of the heartwarming episode between Beethoven and Archduke Rudolf.

This piece was Beethoven's first gift to Archduke Rudolf and symbolized the beginning of their friendship. The first movement is a gorgeous piece that showcases the piano skills that Beethoven taught Archduke Rudolf, giving us a sense of the bond between master and student. The second movement is a beautiful melody in which Beethoven expresses his respect for Archduke Rudolf, expressing the depth of their friendship. The third movement is a variation in which Beethoven challenges Archduke Rudolf, showing the stimulation and growth of the friendship.

When you listen to this song, you can feel how wonderful the friendship between Beethoven and Archduke Rudolf was. They communicated through music. I believe that we can also communicate through music.

Now, what I would like to recommend here is Ashkenazi's piano, Perlman's violin, and Harel's cello performance. This performance was recorded in 1982 and features some of the most popular soloists of the time.

Vladimir Ashkenazy completed the recording of ``Beethoven's Complete Piano Sonatas'' between the ages of 34 and 43 (1971-80).

Ashkenazy recorded ``The Grand Duke'' after completing ``Beethoven's Complete Violin Sonatas'' with Perlman. After recording "The Grand Duke," Harel teamed up with Ashkenazy to complete "Beethoven's Complete Cello Sonatas." These three musicians were actively working on Beethoven, with Ashkenazy as a key player.

This trio is characterized by their smooth and lush music-making. Although it doesn't give you a sense of the scale of the event, the three masters each have their own unique concepts and compete with each other in a spirited manner. While you can hear the flamboyance of a concerto, the intimate ensemble is also fun, giving you a sense of the familiarity of chamber music. The teamwork of the three musicians, who have almost the same way of thinking about Beethoven, is wonderful, and the performance is performed with great attention to detail.

Although Ashkenazy plays the lead on the piano, it blends well with Perlman's richly colored violin. Harel's cello is also neat and streamlined. The trio's sense of rhythm is also wonderful, and their performances are so skillful that you'll fall in love with them. It's not just that we have three people with outstanding technique, but we also have a wonderful unity of will. The result is ``The Grand Duke,'' which can be enjoyed without any worries, both musically and technically.

In particular, the detailed ensemble playing in the third movement's variations has a beautiful effect. The co-starring of three masters who performed like a concerto is a wonderful performance that can be called the standard for this piece. ``The Grand Duke'' is a well-organized performance that gives the listener a sense of security, and is full of gentle emotion that appeals to the heart. It's an impressive performance.

Every time I listen to this performance, I feel the friendship between Beethoven and Archduke Rudolf. Although they were from different worlds, they connected through music. I believe that we can also communicate through music.

I hope this article helps you enjoy music. If you have any comments or questions about this article, please write them in the comments section. I look forward to hearing from you.

See you in the next article.