





- レオ:主人公。名宇宙探偵。ベートーヴェンの音楽に詳しい。
- エリー:レオの助手。元ピアニスト宇宙人。ルーイに恨みを持っている。
- ルーイ:エリーの元夫。有名な音楽評論家宇宙人。殺人事件の被害者。
- マリ:ルーイの秘書宇宙人。レオの昔の恋人宇宙人。ルーイに恋している。























































Beethoven's transcendental and mysterious "Tempest"

Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 17 ``The Tempest'' was composed in 1802 and is known for its fantastic and dramatic music.

This sonata was composed at a time when Beethoven was suffering from hearing loss. Beethoven wrote a letter called the Heiligenstadt Testament, expressing his dissatisfaction with his own music and his determination to find a new path.

Legend has it that he was inspired by Shakespeare's play The Tempest. However, this anecdote is based on the testimony of Beethoven's disciple Schindler, and its authenticity is questionable.

This piece is one of the most innovative of Beethoven's sonatas, and can be considered a forerunner of Romantic music. Beethoven's individuality stands out in his changes in tempo, harmonic development, and free handling of the sonata form.

Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 17 ``Tempest'' reminds me of adventure and mystery solving in a storm. I created a story with the theme of space detectives and space criminals to match that atmosphere. The characters are as follows.

- Leo: The main character. Master space detective. Familiar with Beethoven's music.
- Ellie: Leo's assistant. Former pianist and alien. He has a grudge against Louie.
- Louie: Ellie's ex-husband. Famous music critic alien. victim of a murder case.
- Mari: Louie's alien secretary. Leo's former lover, an alien. She is in love with Louie.

This story is a fiction. It has no relation to any real person or organization. Please enjoy!

Leo hung up. he took a deep breath. he said to Ellie.

"Looks like Louie was killed."

Ellie looked surprised. she said.

"Louie? My ex-husband Louie?"

Leo nodded. He said.

"Yes, I was contacted by the police. They wanted me to cooperate with their investigation."

Ellie looked angry. she said.

"Why you? You're not a detective. You're a musician."

Leo smirked. He said.

"Yes, but I'm also a Beethoven expert. According to the police, Beethoven's sheet music was placed next to Louie's body."

Ellie looked interested. she said.

"Beethoven's sheet music? Which song?"

Leo answered.

"It's Piano Sonata No. 17, 'Tempest.'"

Ellie looked surprised. she said.

"Tempest? That song?"

Leo nodded. He said.

"Yes, as you know, it is one of Beethoven's most mysterious pieces. The composer himself did not give it the title 'Tempest', but it was given to him later. There are various theories about its origin, with some saying it has something to do with Shakespeare's play ``The Tempest'' or a storm that Beethoven himself experienced.

Ellie tilted her head. she said.

"But what does that have to do with Louie's murder?"

Leo shrugged his shoulders. He said.

"I don't know that. That's why I decided to go and see it."

Ellie looked thoughtful. she said.

“Can I go with you?”

Leo looked surprised. He said.

"Huh? Why?"

Ellie looked serious. she said.

"Louie is my ex-husband. I have a right to know about his death. Also, I was a pianist myself and am familiar with Beethoven's music. Maybe I can help you."

Leo thought for a while. He looked into Ellie's eyes. He trusted Ellie. He felt sorry for Ellie. He had feelings for Ellie. He agreed with Ellie.

"Okay. Well then, let's go together."

Ellie laughed happily. she said.

"Thank you. You're so kind."

Leo smiled shyly. He said.

"No, not really"

The two put on coats, grabbed umbrellas, and left the house. It was raining outside. There was thunder. The wind was blowing. A storm was coming.

The two board a spaceship and head to Louie's home. Louie's home was a room in a luxury station. It was blocked off by the police, but Leo and Ellie got permission to go inside. Louie's body was found in a fish tank in the living room. He was stabbed in the chest and died. Water was spreading on the floor. His mouth was stuffed with Beethoven's sheet music.

Leo and Ellie began inspecting the site. Leo examined the body and the sheet music. Ellie searched the room.

Leo looked over the sheet music. It was Piano Sonata No. 17, ``Tempest,'' but it was no ordinary sheet music. It was Beethoven's own handwritten sheet music. It was also said to be the only one left in the world.

"This is amazing," Leo murmured. “This is real.”

Ellie approached and she looked at the sheet music.

"Real? What do you mean?"

``This is Beethoven's own sheet music,'' Leo replied. "It's said to be the only one left in the world."

"Huh? Is there such a thing? Where did it come from?"

"I don't understand that," Leo said. "But this may be the key to the murder."


``This sheet music has annotations written by Beethoven himself,'' Leo said. "That might be a clue to solving the mystery of this song."

“What kind of annotation?”

"For example, here," Leo pointed. ``At the beginning of the first movement, Beethoven wrote this.''


Wilhelm Backhaus: German master pianist and one of the first pianists to record Beethoven's complete piano sonatas. His ``Tempest'' is highly acclaimed as a masterpiece full of deep insight and rich expressiveness.