20世紀の音楽革命家 ストラヴィンスキーの魅力に迫る




- 第一次世界大戦まで(1882-1914):ロシアで生まれ、リムスキー=コルサコフに作曲を師事。法学を学ぶが音楽家になることを決意。バレエ・リュスのために原始主義的な作品を作曲。大戦が勃発するとスイスに移住。
- 両大戦間(1914-1939):スイス、フランス、アメリカなどを転々としながら、新古典主義音楽を展開。フランス市民権を取得。妻と長女を結核で失う。ナチスによって退廃音楽とされる。
- 第二次世界大戦後(1939-1971):アメリカに移住。セリエル音楽に傾倒。ココ・シャネルやロバート・クラフトと親交を持つ。ニューヨークで死去。


- オペラ:《オイディプス王》《放蕩児の遍歴》
- バレエ音楽:《ミューズを率いるアポロ》《妖精の接吻》《アゴン》
- 管弦楽曲:《交響曲》《詩篇交響曲》《管楽器のための交響曲》
- 室内楽曲:《兵士の物語》《ラグタイム》《3つの小品》
- ピアノ曲:《ピアノのための4つの練習曲》《ピアノ・ラグ・ミュージック》《タンゴ》
- 合唱曲:《結婚》《詩篇の交響曲》《大洪水》


- [ストラヴィンスキーの音楽を解説する動画]:この動画では、ストラヴィンスキーの音楽の特徴や歴史的背景について、わかりやすく解説しています。




- [ストラヴィンスキーのバレエ音楽を観る動画]:この動画では、ストラヴィンスキーのバレエ音楽の中でも最も衝撃的だった《春の祭典》のバレエを観ることができます。原始的なリズムとダイナミックな振付が見ものです。




- [ストラヴィンスキーのピアノ曲を聴く動画]:この動画では、ストラヴィンスキーのピアノ曲の中でも代表的なものを演奏しています。《ピアノのための4つの練習曲》《ピアノ・ラグ・ミュージック》《タンゴ》などの作品が聴けます。






 Exploring the charm of Stravinsky, the 20th century  musical revolutionary 

Hello, music lovers. Today I would like to talk about Igor Stravinsky, one of the groundbreaking composers in the history of 20th century music. Stravinsky was originally from Russia and later emigrated to France and America. His work encompasses a variety of styles, from Romanticism to Neoclassicism to Seriel music. He composed many ballet music for Diaghilev's Ballets Russes, among which the most famous are ``The Firebird,'' ``Petrushka,'' and ``The Rite of Spring.'' Although The Rite of Spring caused a riot when it premiered in Paris in 1913, it is now widely recognized as one of the most influential musical works of the 20th century.

Stravinsky's life can be broadly divided into the following parts.

- Until World War I (1882-1914): Born in Russia, studied composition with Rimsky-Korsakov. He studied law but decided to become a musician. He composed primitivist works for the Ballets Russes. When World War II broke out, he moved to Switzerland.
- Between the wars (1914-1939): Developed neoclassical music while moving around Switzerland, France, and the United States. He obtained French citizenship. Losing his wife and his eldest daughter to tuberculosis. It was considered decadent music by the Nazis.
- After World War II (1939-1971): Moved to America. He is into Seriel music. He is friends with Coco Chanel and Robert Kraft. He died in New York.

Stravinsky's works are extremely diverse, but we will introduce some of the most representative ones below.

- Opera: 《Oedipus the King》《The Journey of the Prodigal》
- Ballet music: "Apollo Leading the Muses", "Fairy's Kiss", "Agon"
- Orchestral music: "Symphony", "Psalm Symphony", "Symphony for Wind Instruments"
- Chamber music: "Soldier's Tale", "Ragtime", "Three Pieces"
- Piano pieces: 《Four Etudes for Piano》《Piano Rag Music》《Tango》
- Choral music: 《Marriage》《Psalm Symphony》《The Flood》

Stravinsky's works are characterized by rhythmic energy, orchestral excellence, and the influence of Russian folk music. It is said that his music can be viewed as well as listened to.

Everyone please listen to his music. See you soon.